Chapter XX

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Freen leaned her head on the headrest of the car inhaling fresh air as she roll down the window. They were already halfway in Pathum Thani. Freen's mind is preoccupied. She wasn't herself this morning up until now due to the fact that she and Rebecca kissed.

On the other hand, Rebecca is also fidgeting in her room. Her hands were clammy as if she was splash by a water because of her sweaty hands. She touch her lips. Her lips are so soft. Like they we're made from foam that's never been touched and never been scarred by small cuts or peeling of her skin. Her lips felt like heaven. Becky shook her head reprimanding herself from wandering over the school president.

There was something on the way they kissed. She knows it was just over a short period of time but she cannot explain how her stomach flipped on the way Freen's lips brushed over hers. Or the way Freen's arms snake around her waist that make her heart beat like crazy. Or how her smell make her feel dizzy when it invade her nostrils. She can't put it into words. There were fireworks when they kissed. And for a moment she want time to freeze and enjoy the moment even when it's wrong.

"Bec, what are you doing?" Irin ask.

"H-huh? What? Why?"

"You've been stabbing your food for quite some time now? Did it do something to you? " She laugh a little bit as Becky look down on her food and it is indeed ruined. "You don't have to torture it if it's not good you know."

Becky laughed along with her trying her best to look okay, to look like nothing is bugging her.

"I-it's good. I'm just thinking about something." I'm thinking about what freaking happened between me and Freen. I wish I could say that aloud but I know Irin won't keep her mouth shut.

"Sure you are." She teased but I just rolled my eyes at her.  We continued eating our food when Saint and Freen pass over our building with luggage on their hands. Freen is walking on the hallway with her hair flipped over on the other side, with her iPad on her right hand, she's wearing a hoodie and a white cargo pants that is making her more hot as hell.  How could a human being look so good even in casual clothes? Without even trying to dress up to look good because she's already so good?Without showing any skin? I swear the world is so unfair.

  How could a human being look so good even in casual clothes? Without even trying to dress up to look good because she's already so good?Without showing any skin? I swear the world is so unfair

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"Hey Bec, let's go over there." Irin said pulling me with her before I could even say yes to her. She dragged me towards Saint and Freen and I swear my heart keeps beating as fast as it could the moment I came closer to her.  She smell so good. I wanna inhale her scent and never get tired of sniffing it until I am no longer finding a way to stop it. But that will make me look like a creep so no.

"Hey P'Saint, hi Freen." Irin greeted as she bowed down in front of them. I was so nervous to look at Freen so I hang my head down low without making any eye contact with her and I could feel her staring at me making me more nervous. I never utter a word, not even a hi. Not even greeting Saint much more not Freen. Then Irin slowly nudge me making me follow what she did.

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