Chapter LXIV

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"So who are you coming with stupid horn? You literally have three guest all in one!" Nam screamed right in front of me when I told her I am confused with whom I will go with.

Goodness Freen, you and your stupid decisions when you mad.

We just got off from the stadium out of the event of the glee club and now we are here at one of our classrooms. We don't have any classes right after this one since the faculties had a meeting and we have a permission to just go home.

"I don't know." I replied. Well I was just upset that time that I said yes on three people at the same time.

" Just go for the three. You know set schedules, after jam, Rebecca after Rebecca Seng."

"That's absurd Noey! Are you out of your mind? You can't just let Freen with them!"

"I'm not saying she will, it was only a suggestion."

"Well your suggestion sucks!"

"But she have a point." I interrupted.

"What? Your telling me your gonna go with Noey'y side plan?"

"Well she have a point. I should set schedules."

"Really Freen?"

"I'm not saying I will do something to keep their hopes up, don't you think it's the best time to clarify everything for the three of them? You know thinking about Rebecca give me headaches, how much more if Seng and some more will add... What will I get? A migraine?"

"Well that's good if it's for the better, but don't played with their feelings Freen."

"I'm not like that." I replied.

Then after a few minutes, Liela came with a huge smile on her face and I smiled back as her just much as how she gaved me.

"Hi Phi."

"Hey Lie."

"You ready to go?" She ask and I nodded in response. I can see how happy Liela is with this plan we have.

"Yes, lead the way." I replied.

"Hey, take care of my girl Lie!" Nam shout so I glared at her because the students are not looking at us.

"I will P'Nam." Liela replied cheerfully pulling me away from my idiot friends. " So where are we going?" I ask.

"Somewhere. Just sit back, I know you will like it there." She replied as she open the door of my car gesturing me to sit.

"Oh, it's funny how your the one asking me out but I am the one driving for us."

"Wait until I can drive..." She replied rolling her eyes on me and I just giggled in response.

We drove our way out of the campus and Liela's excitement can ot be set aside because she was humming all along the ride making me smile at how cute she looks.

She literally look like Becky. The difference is one is as stubborn as an angry cow and one is as soft as a rabbit.

"Where are we going now?"

"Turn left." She instructed.

"Come on, i'm curious now. It's killing me unless you tell me where we're headed to." I whined.

"We're here." She announces and it surprises me when I realized we we're at an orphanage.

"An orphanage?"

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