Chapter XXVI

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One Week Later

It's been days since I avoided Non. It's not that I am still mad but I am somehow disappointed about he's behavior. He was far from the Non I had known. And on the other hand, I don't quite why i'm so upset about what he told me about Sarocha. I never even care about that woman before, let alone defend her from something I am incapable of knowing.

It's also been a week since Freen left for Pathum Thani. I should be happy since no one is glaring at me in the corner of this school. No one is commanding me to bring them something on time and no one is pestering my life but I am feeling fhe opposite way around. I felt empty, like there is something missing inside me. Like there's a hole inside me that is missing.

Freen and I never talked again after that text we exchange. Maybe she was busy over the other line, while I was here trying to keep myself busy just to avoid wandering over that woman. So I always indulge myself on doing things that I enjoyed not wanting to ask for Freen's attention.

"Becbec." Noey snapped me out of my thoughts shaking my arm lightly.


"Freen will be back today, are you excited?" Creasing my forehead, I look at noey with my confused reaction earning a low giggle from her.

"Why would I be?" I ask making Irin slap Noey'y shoulders.

"I told you she won't be that easy."

"Goodness who wouldn't be gay over Freen Sarocha?" Noey exclaimed. Right who wouldn't be gay over that hot chick and genius Freen Sarocha? She's a full-pack package.

"Everyone is gay over her." Noey.

"So are you included in the counting?" I ask.

"I-i ahm... Y-yeah before okay? But not now goodness I got turned off the moment I know her more better."

"Why she's not that mean you know." Irin.

"She isn't but she could kill someone without even trying." Noey replied.

Is Freen that scary? She isn't right? She's just cold around me but I never saw her so bold. She's far opposite of me that beat out the hell of a man just to defend her.

I ignored the two since they are on their own world again when a notification pop up on the screen of my phone indicating a new post from someone.

West Flauvia University posted a new photo

Clicking the notification, Freen's face is flash on the screen of my phone with a girl who have a wide smile almost the same at what Freen has.

Clicking the notification, Freen's face is flash on the screen of my phone with a girl who have a wide smile almost the same at what Freen has

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My heart skip a bit the moment her picture flash on my screen. Freen look hella pretty here.  I can't deny but I somehow miss this girl. And did she become thinner? I swear her face look slimmer than the last time. Looking around, Noey and Irin are busy with their own little world so I directly secretly save her picture on my phone. Then my smile faded away the moment I saw her next post.

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