Chapter LXXIII

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"Beckyyy!" Freen wept like a kid deprive to eat the food she really love the most.

"What now love?" Becky asked innocently as if she never just said something to her girlfriend that waken up the sexual hormones running feel within her nerves.

"What's that for?"

"The what?"

"You know what i'm talking about Rebecca."

"I really don't know... What is it?" 

"Stop being cocky can you! Your making it hard for me."

"Nothing gonna get hard down there Freen." Rebecca teased making Freen as red as a tomato.

"Just shut it babe. Your being too much." She whined and right now is Rebecca's turn to sulk. She can't believe Freen just admit that Becky is too much.

"Okay." The younger one replied turning her back against her while spreading her whole body on the right side of the couch.

"Babe." Freen called.




"Beckyyy baby please. Don't sulk na."


"Babyyyy... I love you love, I didn't mean it that way. Your not too much,I was just kidding baby. Stop sulking now."

This time Freen take Becky's hand pulling her up from the couch. Becky smiled slyly as Freen caresses her cheek before planting a soft kiss in there making Rebecca close her eyes in anticipation.

" I love you baby." Freen cooed resting her forehead in Rebecca's shoulders.  She was hugging the girl from behind inhaling her minty scent that is all over the room.

"I love you too Freen." Rebecca replied as she leaned closer towards Freen's chest wanting to feel the older girl close.

Her head rested against Freen's head that is on top of her as both of them enjoyed each other's company.

Just as the two were having the time of their life, they heard footsteps getting closer on the living room and they assume it's Freen's mother so both pulled away from the comfortable hug to avoid Freen's mother to walk in on them.

"Oh, darling i'm glad your already here. Becky's here for quite a long time now."

"Yes mom, she uh text me before she got here."

"That's good to hear then." Her mother replied looking at the girl's cautiously noticing that Rebecca and Freen are acting so peculiar and sketchy. "Anyways, just stay for the night Rebecca, Freen take her to your room so she can change and we will eat dinner right after that."

Both girls nodded in response as they also wanted to spend the night together.

This is their first night as a couple now.

And thinking about it gives excitement to both girls. They cannot be much more happier than be in each others arms.


"Bec, spill the beans now!" Irin dragged me towards the school field when she saw me getting out of the same car with Freen.

She's been too noisy all the way here asking me to just spill what is going on but me wanting to announce it once Freen wanted to never said a thing. I left Irin hanging without giving her exact explanations about what is going on.

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