Chapter XII

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Walking back downstairs. I could feel my heart beating so fast. It's as if i'm gonna have a panic attack any moment from now. I can't explain what I feel, everything feels so new. Everything feels so perfect.

"You ready?" Becky asked when she saw me already wrapped up in my black hoodie and in my green cargo pants.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Let's go then." Becky was about to stand up when I stopped her by tossing her the hoodie I took.

"Wear that first. Your cloths are too thin."  Creasing her forehead, Becky checked her clothes before looking back at me.

"Is there something wrong with what i'm wearing?"

" Yes and No."


"Yes because it's too thin and it's cold out there tonight and No because it's basically fine I just don't want you to freeze out there." I replied.

"Oh you cared about me now ha Sarocha?"

"Yes..." I paused. I love watching Rebecca getting frustrated with me. "Because I am the campus school president and everyone's safety is my first priority."

"Blahhh blahhh blahhh." Becky replied as she mimicked  the exact expression I have. "You seems to care about me when it's just the two of us but you don't even wanna be seen with me at school."

I was taken aback by what she just said. So she's thinking I don't wanna be seen with her in public? Well she got a point but that's not just the case alone, I mean we are two opposite people being stuck with each other with this tutoring thing and she knows i'm not that comfortable around her. Not partially comfortable but i'm starting to be.

"Let's hurry our ass out can we? We don't wanna die with food deprivation in the middle of the night."

I started walking towards the door with hr tailing from behind.  As we reach my garage, she suddenly stopped me from entering the car by pulling my arm.

"We are not riding that."

"Excuse me?"

"I know you heard me Sarocha... I don't wanna repeat myself."

Rolling my eyes at her, I raise my eyebrows as I crossed my arms in my chest when I heard her say the exact line I always say when she ask me to repeat myself.

"Fine. So what are we riding?"

"My motorbike."

I go deaf when I heard her reply. I never once ride in a motorbike. I felt unsafe with it. I mean who wouldn't be right? It only have two wheels and there's no seatbelt around it.

"You gotta be kidding me."

"There's no hint of joke when I said that Sarocha?"

"Are you for real?"


She started squeezing the right handle of the motorbike as it starts and she was looking back at me.

"Come one Sarocha."

"No Rebecca I won't ride that."

"Yes you will."

"I won't."

"You will."

"I won't."

"You will Sarocha if you like it or not."

"I— AHHHHHHHHHHH REBECCAAAA I'M GONNA KILL YOU! YOU IDIOTTT!" I screamed when I was suddenly lift off from the ground landing on the soft spot of her motorbike.

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