Chapter XXXIV

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"NAM! YOU JERK I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Tee yelled as Nam splash her with water as she run towards the other girl running on the opposite side of the pool.

Yes, we are in Tee's resort to hang out. I almost didn't have come but Tee force me and leave me no choice but to go because he keep threatening me about the ghosts.

"CATCH ME YOU IDIOT!" Nam yelled back. " YOU LOOK SO FUNNY!" Nam laugh as she teased Tee more.

Goodness this two crackheads are really a pain in the ass. Just as P'Nam was about to run, she step on the slippery floor making her almost fall on the pool but P'Mind's reflex is way to quick as she pull P'Nam towards her.

"Oiiiii... Aherm." Tee teased. P'Nam is press over P'Mind who is also looking at her deadly eyes as if it's just the two of them making Tee and Kade teased them both.

"Match made in heaven." Kade

"Finally, Nam find her match." Tee replied.

"Shut up!" Nam screamed. Now her face is so red that she look like a red tomato. P'Mind on the other hand was stunned and is to shy to look at Nam.

"Come here Nam. Stop being naughty for once. Your already twenty six but your acting like a six years old." I commented making her squint her eyes and glare at me.

"Stop with that! You also know your like that." I added. She walk her way towards me and slump beside my chair as her face started sulking.

"What now?"


"Liar. I know you. So what is it?"

Nam shook her head in response.

"Oh, I guess what happened earlier bug up your mind... Am I right?" I ask with a teasing smile making her smack my head.


"Your being delusional again Freen. Stop talking nonsense!"

"Is it really nonsense?"

"If it's giving you butterflies that means it's not nonsense." I teased. She was about to fire back when Saint came and we started chatting about the things going on around school.

"How are you Freen?" He ask smiling genuinely.

"I'm good P'Saint. How are you?"

"I'm also the same. But a little bit too exhausted about the stuffs going around school. You know responsibilities." He retorted.

"Yeah goodness if turning over this place is as easy as it sounds maybe i'm not in this place right now." I replied.

"How about you Nam?" P'Saint ask. We both turned out heads towards Nam who is busy on her thoughts so I tapped her shoulder making her startle.

"W-what?" She ask.

"P'Saint is asking you how you've been."

"I-uh... I-i'm good." She replied and smiled. We continued chatting in a lively atmosphere forgetting all about the burdens and problems we have at the moment.

It was a moment where we left all problem aside and enjoying just being ourselves for once again. Nam walk back to the room leaving me and P'Saint in the side of the pool with a comfortable silence enveloping within. Then Heng suddenly appeared pushing P'Saint in the water as the two of them started splashing each other with water.

Just as I was about to go back on the sun lounger under the shed. I saw Rebecca with Irin walking on the opposite side of the pool. She was wearing her sunglasses and she's in a blue sexy tops covering her body.

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