Chapter XXX

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To say that Freen didn't sleep is an understatement. She was blown up with the pictures of the girl stuck in her head making her toss again and again in her bed.

She wanna sleep but that random pink haired girl won't let her. She barely even nap for any seconds. She was so preoccupied with the thoughts of the girl.

"Sleep now you jerk!" Freen scolded herself tossing again to find a comfortable position that will help her doze off. "Oh God!"

Getting up from her bed, Freen took a book from her shelves and finding her hand fall into a random book which is "The Strength in our Scars". Garnering back on the comfort of her bed, she took her eyeglasses settling it in between the bridge of her nose as she started reading.

"The things that hurt you may have left scars, but they did not destroy you. You survived, and there is hope in that."

Freen was mesmerized by every word sculpted in the book. It's far true that she is always been held captive in reading. It somehow let her release all the emotions she never once shared, and know the pain she have been long hid in between her shadows.

She was a ray of sunshine everyone told her she is. But she cannot use her sunshine on herself. She have the ability to be open for someone who needed support and advices, but she herself cannot find a shelter to have it herself. She was a sunshine, a lighthouse, a savior for everyone, but when she's the one who needs saving no one dared being her hero. No one else held her in except she herself.

She continue flipping through the pages until she stumble upon one particular quote that hit her hard deep within.

"You are the one who built your walls. Don't ever doubt for a second that you have the capacity to tear them down."

Freen always have put the blame on herself on why her ex cheated behind her back. She got so many what if's that she ask herself... Such as is it because of her why Seng replaces her with Boomi? Did she possess something that Boomi possesed more? But again, she stopped herself from thinking about it over and over again. She reminded herself that she got a lot more that Boomi didn't have and will never have.

She promised herself that she won't be as easy as she is years ago, she have built her walls in complete armour now and no one have the right to invade it again. If they can't reach her standards, she will never lower down her gate. Atleast never again.


"Richie!" Rebecca's voice can be heard in the alleys of their house as she scream at her brother who flash an amused smile on his lips knowing he had pissed off his sister again. He was sitting so close to his sister almost pinning her on the edge of the couch making her unable to move.

"What? I didn't do anything. " He innocently replied as he crosses his arms on his chest leaning his back on the couch.

"Mom! Look at Richie!" Rebecca retorted finding allies on her mother who is sitting across the two siblings.

"He just loves you Bec, you know your brother." Her mother replied unbothered by the bickering of the two.

"Arghh! Gosh! It's just too much! The couch is so big and he's squeezing me." The younger girl whined.

"I love you sis... Don't act as if you never know it."

"Oh really?" Becky ask with a mix of sarcasm on her voice. "Then what would you feel if I am the one to be that to you?" Rebecca wrapped her arms on her brother's neck scooting a little too much closer taking revenge on her brother's outburst.

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