Chapter LXXV

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The following days went on. Both me and Rebecca are caught up with each other's schedules, different activities to be done in a day making it harder for the both of us to stay connected while we are away and all we can do is talk right after all the activities we have. Before we went to bed, Rebecca and I use the spare time to talk and tell each other how our day went because that's the only time we have a free period to stay connected.

After our two days campaign outside the campus, we have another two days in another campus which is a little further than our university. And as much as I wanted to decline the role to always be present in all campaigns I cannot do so because I play the most vital role in the campus. I am the president and I can't just let another fill in my place just to put my relationship over my role.

I wanted to hang out with Rebecca, have a deep talk, watch the sunsets together, go to a little stroll dates and more. I wanted to explore new things with my girlfriend but this thing laying before me makes it harder to fulfill this little wishes.

"How can we help this students be academically devoted to education when they all lose the chance to try and explore what they really want? How can we help foster a better foundation of education when they can't see it right before their eyes? When they're deprived from the chance of being educated?" The President of the British Columbia International School asked.

We are conducting a campaign about the rising issues of the students losing interest to education.

" The very first thing students should do to be more motivated is by setting goals that motivates them. Such as breaking down big tasks into tiny steps, setting specific, measurable, and time-limited goals, and be realistic. Making goals as realistically achievable as possible is important so that you don’t set yourself up for disappointment. Try asking, “How much can I achieve in the next hour?” instead of I need to complete all these tasks." Saint commented and the jury clapped their hands in anticipation of his opinion.

"Ms. Sarocha? What's your say?"

"First and foremost, before students can find the true meaning of motivation we must first becomes their motivation. We need to be the very first to become a role model for students interest, we should foster and forge a positive environment where students feel free to expressed themselves. Second, we should get to know our students and be connected to them. With that they can start developing something they learn from you." I added.

"That's wonderful Ms. Sarocha, you indeed a real positive person. I like that about you." She replied and I smiled lightly for the random comment.

The rest of the conference went on and we all are given breaks from the long discussion.

Using the spare time, I tried calling my girlfriend to rant about my exhaustion but much to my dismay, my call directly went to voicemail making me creased my forehead.

She never usually left me on voicemail?

Is she busy?

With what?

With who?

I sent her a text waiting for a reply but few minutes have pass and she never text me back. It's so not Rebecca. She usually reply late sometimes but she never miss any text messages I sent, but right now is an exception. She literally ignored my messages and my calls.

Goodness it's making me overthink things. She never once left me on read.

Getting off the negative vibes I felt, I dialed Nam's number to makes sure Rebecca is safe and part of me wishes Nam won't answer to believe that both of them are busy but a few minutes have pass, Nam pick up the call as I sigh in disappointment.

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