Chapter XIV

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" You will be out of the school for a week Freen." Mr. Widdows announce in front of the other officers.

We re currently having our conference about a task that is assigned to us. I on the other hand is assigned to a remote school where kids are deprive from education. I am task to help them learn even just for a small period of time. And I am so happy about it. The life students are complaining about means the world to someone out there, some of the students are taking education for granted while some out there would do anything to make themselves step into a whole classroom where knowledge sharpen there skills. So I wouldn't say no about that task.

"What about my classes Sir? I mean it's the longest task I will do that will require me to be absent in school. What will I do with my absences?"

"I already handled it Freen."

"Who will be with me there?"

"Saint and Heng. Nam, Mind and Oaey will be assigned to some task here and to some school outside our campus. Yours will be the farthest school to handle with."

I look at Saint and Heng as they smiled at me reassuringly.

"What about Rebecca  sir? You know i'm still helping her with her failing grades and I guess being away for a week means we will not be having a studying session."

"Don't worry about it Freen, I know that girl will do her best when your not around. She don't wanna disappoint you maybe?"

"I guess."

I replied. I was always been used on being given a task which require me to be away from home. But this time, it's the other way around.  This is the first time I am second guessing about a certain task and I don't even know the reason why I feel like I really don't wanna go. But for some reason, I also needed to go because those kids need me.

My head is clouded. My mind say don't go and just switch task with someone else but I don't even quite fugure out the reason why I should do that. But somewhere there I am thinking about that pink haired girl with the pointed nose and Caucasian features. I don't wanna miss the studying sessions with her. But some part of me is saying that the thing that I am afraid that I will miss for a week is the person doing the studying session.

"That's all for this meeting. You can go back to your respective classes now."

Fixing my things, I quickly put all my notes on my bag as the three approach me and we started walking out of the conference room together.

"Freen?" Saint called me so I quickly give him a glance as we continue walking.


"Would you be okay there? Your head seems to be over something, you can just switch task with someone else if you don't wanna go."

"No i'll take it. The kids there need me Saint. They need us. So I won't let this chance to  help them go. "

"Are you sure? You look like your in a deep thoughts though. Thinking about something?" He asked again.

"More like thinking about someone." Nam replied so I glared at her as she give Heng a high-five.

"It's nothing.  I'm just thinking about the place we're gonna be in the day after tomorrow." I replied.

Well partially yes I am thinking about that. But somehow I am also thinking about Rebecca.

Saint and Heng were the first one to bid their goodbyes to me and Nam since they are in a neighbouring department. Saint in Medical Technology Department and Heng on architecture Department. Kade is from Bachelor of Arts in Screen acting since she wanna become an actress someday and is modeling for some brand right now while Toey is from journalism department. P'Nam and I on the other hand are both from college of arts major in drawing and painting or in short we are visual artists. We are visual artist but we can't visualize our faces.

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