Chapter IX

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All the students we're gathered together in the school stadium to witness the exchange student that will be introduced today. Except for Freen who's been putting up her poker face all morning. She don't want to meet Seng again, but she don't have any choice but to be there. The least that she wanna do right now is meet that guy again.

As they walk pass the CAS Department, they bump into Becky and her friends. Freen look at Becky that is ako staring at her beaming a smile but all she did is ignore it and walk pass ahead of them.

"Hey Irin." Noey called as Irin smiled at the older woman.

"Hey Noey."

"Your going to the stadium too?" Nam asked.

"Of course Nam where will they be going?" Kade answered earning a smack from Nam.

"I know where they are going but i'm just asking you know."

"Yeah we're heading there. "

"Cool then let's go together if that's okay with you."

Flashing a smile, Rebecca and Irin beam a smile to the older girls as they nod in response.

But somehow, Becky is confused as to why Freen suddenly became so silent and cold towards her when a few minutes ago they are more than okay.  Rolling her eyes, Becky continued walking along Nam, Noey and Kade who are now bickering over small things.

"Can you shut your mouth up? And please quicken your pace... You all move like a turtle". Freen exclaimed when she was so done with the nicker of her friends. All three girls jolt in surprise as Freen is getting upset over them so they hurriedly quickened their pace  pulling the two younger girls along them.


I was so pissed off about the bickering of this three idiots behind me.  I'm so done. My head is aching due to the fact that I barely rest and this three is such a pain in the ass by fighting over things behind my back so I stopped walking turning around as Becky and Irin gulp looking at me scared while this three idiots didn't acknowledge my annoyed presence.

"Can you shut your mouth up? And please quicken your pace... You all move like a turtle".

The three of them jolt in surprise realizing that i'm already mad so they quickly stride over pulling Rebecca and Irin with them.

And talking of Rebecca, I don't know why Nam had to tag them along with us when they all know I don't like Rebecca. But for some reason, I don't have a choice to complain about them tagging along because that would be so rude and could make Irin have a bad impression about me. Yes, I already know that Becky already have that bad impression of me cause I don't like her being around but Irin is still not used to my other behavior so I hold myself back from scaring them away.

When we arrived at the stadium, all of us went straight to our designated sits in  the front row except for Rebecca and Irin.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why aren't you coming over?" Kade ask.

"No it's okay P'Kade, Becbec and I will find our classmates to sit with them. We might get scolded if we sit apart from our department." Irin answered.

They search for vacant sits that's close to their department but their department is a few bleachers away from the front and it will take them minutes to walk over there.

"No one's gonna scold you when you sit apart from your department. You can sit with us. And besides, college of law's area is a little far from here. " I announced as Kade, Nam and Noey gived me a smirk.

"That's it come one no one's gonna scold you. No one can go against the president."  Noey teased but I just ignored her as I sit on the middle waiting for them to sit beside me.

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