Chapter III:

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I am heading towards the College of Law Department now because I needed to meet Rebecca so that we could talk about this tutoring thing and get it over with.

To say that walking this far from College of Art to College of Law is tirib is an understatement. It's giving me headache and making me exhausted. Why do I have be given this task when all I want after every school campaign is peace of mind and Rebecca is way too far and way to bratty for me.

As much as don't wanna be around her I needed to do it for Mr. Widdows.

You can do it Freen.

All you need to do is help Rebecca get three passing score and your done with this stupid task.

I walk pass students in the hallway as they are smiling at me as I walk by.

Goodness I still don't want attention from everybody but that it's so hard for me to go unnoticed when I am known as the school government president in this campus.

All you need to do is smile back Freen. You don't have to initiate talk.

I said at the back of my mind as I hurriedly reach the elevator leading to the fourth floor.

As the elevator door opens, all eyes are now fix on me. The elevator went dead silent as I walk in and smiled awkwardly to this people around me. We are around five people inside and most of them are girls so it's not a big deal for me if I brush shoulders with them.

And as the campus president I need to be polite to everybody.

"Ah Ms. Sarocha not to be rude but what are you doing here on College of Law? It's so hot for you to talk all the way from Art department just to be here." A girl wearing white top and black leather pants ask.

I turned around and smiled at her as I saw how she squirm when I did that.

"I need to meet someone from Law department. I need to discuss something important." I smiled again before turning my back on her and started fidgeting my fingers wishing that the lift will reach the fourth floor already.

I am not being rude but I am only anxious being with people I don't know too well.



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After a few minutes of waiting. Now the elevator door opens and it's my cue to leave.

"Bye Ms. Sarocha." All five of them bowed and smiled so I smiled back before saying goodbye.

I take long strides to find Rebecca faster so that I won't be late in class. I still got classes after this but I need to talk to her first because I don't wanna meet her again later.

I read the envelope again.

Rebecca Patricia Armstrong, College of Law Room 2A

Gosh even her name sound so good.

I shook my head to get over my thoughts and go directly to her room.

"R-room 2A. " I exclaimed the moment I arrive at the front of the door.

I am running out of breath just to get here in time.

She gotta be here or else I won't help her with this Morality shit. It's her problem anyway.

I twist the door knob and was welcome with good looking law students sitting in their chairs as my eyes wondered around one pink haired girl with brown eyes around this room but I never saw her here.

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