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Days already pass since my last encounter with Rebecca and Non on the restaurant in Chiang Mai and yet we are still not talking. Rebecca seems to be distant this days and she seems to be avoiding me by taking turns everytime we bump into each other in the hallways, she sometimes just ignore me everytime we sat together with my friends and her friends giving me cold treatment like I did something wrong.

I am now currently at the library to study for my exam when the door suddenly burst open but I ignored it since I don't want to be disturb while I am studying. I heard footsteps coming closer and closer until a figure stood in front of my table making me raised my head and I saw Rebecca looking down over me carrying green tea on her right hand and a milk tea on the other side.

"What are you doing here?" I coldly ask.

"I wanna breath some fresh air."

"This is not an open field Rebecca. Fresh air is not available in this area. You should leave."

"Why are you pushing me away?"

"I'm not pushing you away. You said it yourself you want fresh air, when did air-conditioned room have fresh air?" I ask mockingly  fixing my gaze back on the book I was holding.

" I came here to give this to you." She handed me the tea but I just stared at it and shook my head.

"I don't need it." Then ignored her again.

"Take it!"


"Take it or i'll kiss you!" She warned but I was persistent not to take it.

"I don't want you to be dehydrated for not drinking any liquids okay! You've vee here for a couple of hours not drinking or eating anything... So take it! Come on Freen! We both know this is your favorite."

So she's worried about me being dehydrated now? When she's been ignoring me for days making me text dehydrated for not receiving one from her. And she's using the favorite card on me to accept her offer. But again, I am hard headed enough to accept it.

"Yes that is but i'm sorry i'm not drinking that." I replied rolling my eyes at her but she's persistent enough to shove it towards me making me creased my forehead.

"Shut it Sarocha! Drink that! Whether you like it or not." She then stood up leaving me on the library puzzled as to why she suddenly talk to me when all she did those past few days is avoid me as much as she can and now she's here sitting across me forcing me to accept the tea then leave in just a swift moment.

Goodness Rebecca!

I then turned my attention on the book preventing distractions to come my way because I want to focus and look forward in the exam. I tuck my headphone on my ears and started playing a solemn music I could listen to so that I can feel a little bit at ease about what happened.

Just as I was in the end of the chapter I need to study.  Seng suddenly came over my table smiling brightly on my direction so I smiled back.  I still feel a little bit uncomfortable with him but if he's not doing anything bad then I will try being comfortable to be around him.

"Hey Freen."


"Can I sit with you?" He ask so I nodded in response.

"Preparing for the exam?"

"Yes actually."

"Still a bookworm and a literal genius when it comes to academics are we Sarocha?" He teased so I just shrugged it off and rolled my eyes.

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