Chapter XXXVI

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The day flew by fast and Freen is now on her room randomly tossing around then standing up from the bed again and walking back and forth in all corners of her apartment waiting for a particular Rebecca Patricia Armstrong's message which she never received. She had sent Rebecca a lot of text messages for the past two hours but not even a single dot is returned back so she is so worried about the girl's whereabout.

Not wanting to wait a little longer, she dialed Irin's number and ask her about where her  bestfriend might probably be.

"Hello Phi?"

"Hey Rin, sorry for the inconvenience but... Do you know where Becky is by any chance?"  Freen ask. Then a long paused can be heard from the other line.

I hope she's doing okay. Freen cooed at the back of her mind. She can't be much more at ease knowing the girl hasn't responded to her messages yet.

"Uhm... She's out Phi." Irin replied. But Freen seems to be much more suspicious about the girl's behavior.

"She's out with who?"

"With a friend Phi. Why?"

"She uhm... Just never responded to my messages yet." Freen paused. She really wanna know who is with the girl at this hour so she compose herself and ask Irin directly. "Who is she with Rin?"

Then again a deafening silence envelope the atmosphere again. And Freen is scared to break the silence so she waited for Irin to speak up.

"S-shes with uhm..." Paused. " She's with a special friend Phi." Irin sigh.

Then at that exact moment Freen already know who that special friend was. It was Rebecca's boyfriend. He's been away for a week for a university competition on the other city.

So that's why Rebecca hasn't responded to my messages? Because she's with her boyfriend? Because he is back? And here I am being pushed behind again from the shadows of her boyfriend because I was no other than but the tutor.  The freaking tutor of Rebecca Armstrong.

Slumping herself on top of her bed, she buried her face on the pillow and her eyes started to swell from the tears forming inside.  She expected this to happen. But she never expected it would be too soon, and it would turn out this way. She cannot fathom the guilt, pain, and bitterness she is feeling. It was like she was blended with all components in one in a mixer as she absorb all those things she is experiencing right now.

Just as her tears were about to fall, her phone suddenly rang and she immediately pick it up and her face lit up expecting the caller ID to be Rebecca but it turns out it was just her mom.

"Hey Mom." Freen welcomed in a monotonous voice that never go unnoticed by her own mother.

"Hey baby, are you okay? Are you sick? Your voice sounded like your not okay." Her mom ask and Freen shook her head as if her mother can see it.

"No mom, i'm just tired." She replied. "How are you? Where are you now?"

"Oh okay, then i'm fine baby. I'm out right now." Then she heard some noise that literally sounded so familiar for her since she heard it in Chiang Mai but she ignored it thinking she was just hearing things.

"I guess i'll just let you rest for now then let's eat at some restaurant when your already feeling good hmkay?"  Her mother ask then Freen shoot up tucking her phone on her ears.

" Wait! Wait! Wait! You said we're gonna eat food in Chiang Mai." Freen beamed an excited smile before continuing. "Are you here Mom? Please tell me that your here please! Please! Please! Please be here."

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