Chapter XLII

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Becky didn't stay for long because I was nagging her to go home before Non accused me of something else again.

The moment she left, my heart was still beating rapidly, the usual beatings I got when she's around. The atmosphere of my room was left in a warm temperature as if her scent still lingers in the four corners of this confine room.

I am so confused right at the moment, I don't get why Becky keep doing this things towards me when she knows it's not gonna be good for her relationship. But again I shook my head out of that thoughts because I don't want my brain to clogged thinking about the possible things again so I just lay down on my bed drifting off to sleep.


Opening my eyes, I groaned as I felt the throbbing of my wound and my body so I stretch out slowly adjusting my vision to the light.

"Shittt! What time is it?" I hissed grabbing the clock on my bedside table and my eyes almost pop out the moment I realize it was already 7 AM.

I didn't know I had fallen asleep that deep last night. Goodness.

Fixing my bed, I then strip out of my cloths and hurried on the bathroom to prepare myself to avoid getting late for school. The moment I was done taking a shower, I didn't budge put any make up since I am not a fan of it, I just put on some lip gloss and face moisturizer to avoid having a oily face and then head out of my room.

"Mom!" I yelled the moment I notice mom wasn't in the living room. "I'm heading out for school now!"

Mom then barge into the room carrying groceries in her hands putting it down in the counter before turning towards me.

"Good morning Freen. "

"Good morning mommy."

"You heading out now?"

I nodded.

"Eat your breakfast first. I don't want you to go to school with an empty stomach."

I sat on the chair leaning my chin on my palms before speaking.

"You didn't wake me up last night mom."

She then shook her head.

"I don't have the heart to wake you up last night. You were sound asleep and you look so peaceful and tired. So why would I disturb your sleep right?" She replied. "Anyway, what happened to your wrist? I saw it last night and you've got bandages around it."

My heart then skipped a bit. Mom saw my wrist. She probably might be wondering why I got bandages around it when she knows i'm not that clumsy to hurt myself over small things.

I was struggling to think of an alibis to avoid being questioned again when my phone suddenly rang making me pick it up as quickly as I can.

"Wait a minute mom." I excused myself heading towards the balcony before pressing the phone closer to my ear.


"Freeeennnnnnn!" I quickly pull the phone away from my ears the moment I heard Nam's voice. This girl will be the death of me for God sake.

"For the love of God Nam tone down your voice! Your breaking my eardrums!" I yelled.

"Oops sorry I was just excited to talk to you." I heard her giggle on the other line making me roll my eyes.

"Spill the tea and hurry up! I'm gonna be late."

"Come here early."

"Idiot! That's why i'm telling you to hurry what your about to say." I replied. " What now?"

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