Chapter LXXVI

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"I miss you love. God know how much I do. Now let me show you how sorry I am teerak."

Those words roll over Rebecca's lips and before Freen knew it, she was wrapped around the strong broad arms of the younger girl walking them both on the edge of her bed before slowly settling Freen's butt on the soft mattress allowing herself to straddle the older's thigh as she devour Freen's lips in an unexplainable sensual way.

There is sucking, biting, and nibbling happening around the heated make out session. Freen's mind is over the edge of cloud nine and her sanity is slowly fading away as she got hypnotized by how good the younger girl makes her feel.

"B-becky." She mustered to say in between muffled moans.

"Baby stop!"


"Bec!" Freen struggled freeing herself from the younger one when she knows she's trying to fight the urge to give in then and there.

"Bec stop it! We can't!" She whined when Rebecca started roaming her hands under Freen's hoodie. Her hands travel down Freen's bare stomach as she slowly traces the strap of Freen's brassiere.

"Rebecca stop—OH!" Freen's voice hitch the moment Rebecca's naughty hand have a grasp of her chest squeezing it lightly as she arches her back but soon retreated when she realize she can't be reacting that way. Not just yet.

Garnering all the strength left she have after that tempting actions of the younger one, she push Rebecca with all might off above her and she look at her straight in the face.

"We can't do it yet Bec." She whispered.

"Freen." Rebecca ruffled her hair  desperately burying her face on her girlfriend's neck sniffing her minty scent.

"I want you."

Freen got nervous the moment Rebecca state that huskily, her eyes dilated in an unusual way. She's looking at Freen full of desire.

Freen pulled herself together trying to calm her girlfriend's hormones. Not because she don't want to do it with Becky, but she's not yet ready. It's not yet the time for that knowing that she's still upset about her girlfriend and intimacy is not a solution for that unsolved misunderstanding.

Sure she's with Seng for two years before but she never ever let Seng touch her more than she desires. She's not a novice in relationships anymore but never have she ever let Seng touch her that way. The only touch she let Seng do is hold her hand, hug her and kiss her. But not in that way. So she's also nervous at the same time to do it with Becky.

"Baby... I can't." She whispered. "We can't."

Rebecca groaned.

"I'm sorry baby but we can't do it yet."

"Fuck why Freen! Your way too alluring for me. With you this hot makes it so hard for me to hold back."

Freen chuckled.

"We'll get there. Not just yet. Not before you tell me why you ignore me for days."

"Promise me you won't get mad."

"I can't promise about that. Who would promise not to get mad when i'm already mad."


"Now spill Armstrong!" She cooed giving Rebecca her usual deep but deadly stare.

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