Chapter LXVII

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It's been a few days since Rebecca and I go out. None of us talk about our own stepping stone of our relationship or when to take the relationship to the next level.  Rebecca remained reserve about the topic not trying to unravel the pages of it to avoid adding pressure on me. I on the other hand is thankful that Rebecca didn't dig it in because to be honest I never really think about it that much as of now. I wanted to enjoy what we have, it's like getting to know each other more before we jump into something that needed their full commitment on the things they will have to do.

For me, love is not a thing that needed to be done in one quick motion. One needed to figure themselves out to make it work in between them. One needed to cultivate a greater foundation of feelings to usher each of what they feel. And by doing this set up, giving each other spaces did a great modification for the both of them. We have grown much more mature and obtain a diverse perspective about love. And it is the thing that they needed the most.

"Freen honey, what are you doing over there?" Mom asked. 

I am currently standing on the balcony of the school watching the sceneries from afar as I reminisce things that happened to me. All happened like a flick of a finger. And now I have come too far.

"Nothing mom. I just wanna inhale some fresh air." I replied as I averted my gaze on mom who is walking her way on my direction.

"Are you sure nothing's bothering you?"

"Yes mom i'm sure." I replied.

Mom smiled at me genuinely as she ushered me on her embrace and I gladly envelope myself inside her warmth. I sniff mom's perfume trying to find the comfort I always seek just to feel safe and her scent is really a lot of help to ease myself.

"I love you baby." Mom cooed as she patted my head.

"I love you too mommy."

Then she bumped my nose, and slowly comb my hair with her fingers, the usual thing she always do back when I was a kid.

"Mom! I'm not a baby anymore." I whined.

"Yes you are."

"I'm 24 mom... Not 4!"

"Well your my big baby though."

She ruffled my hair making me groan again but she just laugh at my own reaction.

Just as mom was rubbing my back with her right hand, someone approach us telling me that Mr. Widdows is looking for me.

"Ms. Sarocha."

It was the auditor of the student council. Josh.


"Mr. Widdows wanted you in his office."

"For what though?"

"He never told me Ms. Sarocha." He replied.

I slowly detached myself from mom and made as I beamed a smile making him go first.

"I'll be back mom. I just need to meet Mr. Widdows first."

"Go ahead dear."

I made my way out of the balcony as I take steps towards Mr. Widdows office, the students are looking at me intently. Some are whispering and some are smiling at me and I gladly smiled back, then when I pass through Rebecca's building. I saw her watching me on the third floor with Irin. I take a quick glance at her before retrieving back my stare because I don't want Rebecca to be the death of me. That woman is a lot something more.

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