Chapter 2

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After I joined the bureau I started working at Interpol as an undercover agent. In this job they sent me to Ireland with the name of Lauren Reynolds to investigate the former IRA captain, Ian Doyle. As part of my job I started to live with him and I stayed at home with his kid, Declan. One day he told me that he was madly in love with me and he proposed to me with two rings in a necklace with something written in Gaelic; since I was working and he was a dangerous criminal I said no and called my supervisors to get me out of there. Since that day I escaped from him and travelled to Boston. When Interpol found out I was in Boston they transfered me to the BAU. There, I met the most wonderful people, and now they are like my family.

The first day I arrived, I walked up to the the unit Chief's office:

- Agent Hotchner? - I said as I knocked on the door

- Yes, come on in - He said and I walked in the office

- Nice to meet you, I'm Emily Prentiss - I said shaking his hand

- I've been expecting you, welcome to the BAU Agent Prentiss, and by the way you can call me Hotch - he said as I nodded and he led me out of the office to introduce me to the team

We walked down a few stairs to the bullpen where he showed me my cubicle and then introduced me to the team:

- Hello everyone this is the new team member SSA Emily Prentiss - Said SSA Aaron Hotchner.

- Hello everyone it is nice to meet you. - I said looking around to see them all

Then a tall, blonde lady approached me.

- Hi nice to meet you, my name is Jennifer Jareu but they call me JJ. - she said shaking my hand

- Nice to meet you JJ - I said smiling back to her

Then I turned my head to see the next team member and it was Spencer Reid from my college days, he looked at me and said:

- Oh my God, Emily, it's been years, how are you? - he asked hugging me 

- I've been great... - I said as I got interrupted by JJ

- You guys know each other? - she asked

- Yes we know each other from Yale, we go way back. It's nice to see you again - said Spencer

- Likewise! - I said

- Hi there new crime fighter!!! I'm Penelope Garcia at your service - she said running in the circle to hug me

I laughed and said: "Nice to meet you too"

She was really colorful, bubbly, and nice.

- Hello I'm David Rossi, I'm the fountain of wisdom in this place - he said with a smile

Laughter filled the room as Hotch started talking:

- So today we are going on a case in New York, wheels up in 20

Then he pulled me aside to show me around the bullpen where another agent walked in late through the glass doors:

- Hey Hotch sorry I'm late! - said the agent

- It's fine, just don't let it happen again Morgan - Hotch said and continued - We have a case in 20

- Okay... - Morgan said

Then he turned to face me and said:

- Hello beautiful, what's your name? - he asked as I laughed and said

- I'm Emily Prentiss, and you are? - I asked shaking his strong hand 

- I'm the one that will make your days better or Derek Morgan for short - he said while winking at me and walking away

I was lost in my own world processing what just had happened with Derek, he is very hot but I need to keep it professional. I walked towards the girls because I had some time, the first one I talked to was JJ she is really nice and now she is like my sister.

- Hey JJ, I was hoping you could tell me how things are around here, give me some insight - I said

- Well... First I'm going to start with the relationships. Me and Spencer are married and Penelope and Kevin are dating. - I interrupted her

- Who is Kevin? - I asked confused, I'm bad with names but I really don't remember a Kevin

- Kevin is the other tech analyst, you will meet him later on, but let me tell you that the rest of the team is single; even if you thought that Garcia and Morgan were something, they aren't they just like to talk dirty to each other. - she said laughing

- Okay thanks for the insight JJ, you are really nice.

- Thanks and you are really nice too

That case in New York was the best, I got to show the team my expertise and fluency in different languages. I told my brother everything that happenned when I got home, it was great.

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