Chapter 100

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Then 3 gunshots were heard...

Ring-a-round the rosie,
A pocket full of posies,
Ashes! Ashes!
We all fall down.

I was screaming in pain. Savannah had chose to shoot me in my leg before JJ and Derek shot her twice. I'm in extreme pain right now, and I don't know how long I'll last.

- Em I'm sorry, I'm getting you out of here honey! - said Derek desperate to get me out.

Then my eyes widen when I felt something warm run down my tights and I saw Derek's expression, it was blood.

- We have to get you out of here hun, you'll be alright I promise.

The pain was unbearable now and I was in shock about the babies; I just blacked out.


I saw the blood run down Emily's thighs and I just got scared I didn't want to lose her or the babies so we had to move quickly if we wanted to save them. I saw JJ untying the team and I started looking on Savannah's dead body for the keys to untie Emily. I found them and with the remote I made her go down again. She was out so I untied her and carried her out of there. We opened the door to find 3 others with codes on them. The first one had Jack in it, the second one had Declan in it and the third one had Henry in it. Rossi came up to me and said

- We need to get Declan out of there.

- I know I'm trying to think on the possible code

- Date of birth?

- May 24 of 2010

He pressed the numbers 052409 but nothing happen. We needed six digits to open his door and Emily was running out of time. I heard JJ scream, she finally got Henry out.

- What was it JJ?

- First day of school!

- That's specific - said Rossi

Then Aaron got Jack out:

- What was it Hotch?

- His mother date of death - answered Hotch back

- Oh god...

- I know. - Aaron said quietly

Think Derek, what could be really specific but you could find in legal papers, and it hit me:

- Try the number 030216

Rossi put the number in and it opened his door

- Yes!

- What was it? - asked David

- The day he came back to live with Emily!

- Daddy!!! - Declan yelled when I opened the door

He came to me running, excited to see me and then he saw Emily on my arms. Good thing a covered her up with a blanket I found, if not Declan would be traumatize for life.

- Are you okay bud? Are you hurt?

- No daddy I'm fine. What happen to mommy?

- She's sleeping but she'll be fine. Okay let's go we need to move.

So we started running and we saw two guys with guns, but JJ and Aaron shot them. Then there was another coded door:

- Try the first day she went to the BAU.

- Why? - asked Penelope that has been quiet several hours becuase of the shock.

- Because it was the first day she met me.

The door opened immediately. Then we ran up the stairs and open the basement door; to find an empty house in downtown Virginia. There was a cellphone on the dining table, Penelope took it and called 911. When the paramedics arrived they got Emily into and ambulance and I rode with her.

- Rossi can you take care of Declan for me?

- Sure go help Emily

I went closer to Declan and gave him a kiss on the forehead

- Buddy I love you, stay with grandpa Rossi I'll see you soon!

- Okay daddy; love you!

- Love you too bud!

And I got in the ambulance with Emily.

- She's pregnant with twins, so please help our babies. - I was pleading that guy for the life of my 3 girls.

- She has lost a lot of blood, we will try everything in our power to safe her.

We got to the hospital and Doctors Robbins, Shepherd and Grey were there.

- What happened Derek?

- We got kidnapped and Emily took the worst from it.

I heard doctor Grey scream that they needed an OR

- Is she going to be okay Derek?

- We will all do everything in our power to save them all okay?

- Okay, but please take care of them!! She is my life, so if it goes down to her or the babies save her.

- I will...

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