Chapter 12

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-Hey guys - I said really groggy

-Em, you remember us? - asked Spencer

-Yeah, I remember everything again - I said in excitement

-DOCTOR SHEPHERD!!!! - yelled Derek

-Yes, tell me - he came running in my room.

-I remember everything doctor, everything, I know you since we were kids, don't I ?! - I said excited to see him

- Yes Em, we were friends in Europe when we were younger. Let me do a CT so we can confirm that you don't have any bleeders and any brain damage. - he said happy

-Okay Derek!

Then I told the team to leave and my Derek to stay:

-Derek, how are you? - I asked

-I should be the one asking, but if you are asking I'm relieved because I was really scared you weren't going to remember us, you and me and how much I love you. I love you Em and I don't want a day to go by without telling you, I want you to be mine and be together, grow old and have a family, I'm crazy in love with you. - he said very excited to let it all out

-Derek, I feel the same way, I love you too and I can't imagine my life without you. - I said very happy

And we kissed for the first time and it felt right, at first, it was a sweet kiss and then it got heated until the team knocked on the door:

-Finally, you two admit it, congrats! - said David.

-Congratulations you guys!!! - said the rest of the team and JJ and Penn came to hug me for the first time in a while.

Everything felt so right like it was fitting perfectly fine; however, Doyle is still after me and the team doesn't know the magnitude of what's going on, but I just don't want them to be in danger, so I can't evolve them in this goose chase.

-Emily can I talk to you privately - Said Dr. Shepherd

-Sure - I said

And everyone left

-Emily, do you remember why you came to the hospital?

-Yes I was bleeding but I didn't know where it was coming from because I was really dizzy, then I fell and blacked out

-Yes Emily you are right, but the blood was coming from your vagina, you had a miscarriage, it was a month-or-so old fetus. Did you know you were pregnant? - asked Shepherd

-I had no idea - I said in shock

-Are you okay? - he asks me by the look on my face

- Yeah I guess, does Derek know? - I asked him

-Derek already knows about this but he didn't want to tell you so he asked me to tell you what had happened - he said very calmly

-Thank you Derek, for everything you've done for me, and it's great to finally remember you and everyone else.

-It's my pleasure Emily, it's great to have you back - he said smiling

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