Chapter 20

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The next day we went together to the Eiffel tower, we had so much fun and Declan and Derek loved it. We went up, took pictures, then we ate something at the café on top, then we went to walk around the city and enjoy our stay. Later in the day we went to small park near the house were Declan and I decided to feed the ducks while Derek went and bought some ice cream:

- Hey Declan I have something I would like to tell you - I said looking at him

- What is it mom? - he asks kind of worried

- You like Derek, right? - I ask him

- Yeah mom I do, he is really fun and nice - he said smiling

- Well honey, Derek and I are actually dating, he is my boyfriend - I said softly

Declan looks at me still processing and says:

- So is he going to be like a dad to me? - he asks

- Honey, he could be whatever you want, he doesn't want you to be pressured to think of him like a dad or even call him that okay - I said

- Okay mom, thank you - he says relieved

- Yeah kiddo no worries - I said rubbing his head

And as perfect timing Derek came back with some ice cream cones for all of us, which we enjoyed at the park until we decided to head home.

Two weeks later...

Declan was at school and Derek and I were working with Interpol, Easter helped us get the job and he was working with us to find Doyle. Later that day Derek and I went to eat lunch in a pretty café that was close to work, but our afternoon got messy when Hotch called:

-Hey Em, how are you doing? - asked Hotch

-Hey Aaron, I'm doing fine, how are you and the team? - I asked

-We are fine, I was calling to tell you that we found Doyle, but we need you to help us arrest him. - he said with a very serious tone

-What? Why? - I asked almost panicked, I didn't want to see Doyle at all

-Because if you arrest him and talk to him maybe you can get something out of him, but if we make the arrest then he won't say a word to us, like he did to other agencies in the past, he knows he can trust you more than us. - he said

-I'm going to tell my mom to take care of Declan and Derek and I will head back, okay? - I said

-Okay, see you guys soon. - he said

I hung up the phone and walked to where Derek was:

-Em, what happened?

-They found Doyle, they want us to make the arrest.


-Because Doyle trusts me and they need him to talk

-Okay babe I'm going to book some tickets and we leave tonight, are we taking Declan?

-No, it's too dangerous to get him in the country, I'll call my mom and tell her to take care of him.

-Okay honey.

I grabbed my phone again and dialed my mom's phone number.

-Ambassador Prentiss.

-Hey mom.

-Oh! Hey honey, how you doing?

-We are all doing great, but I need your help for something.

-Tell me... - she said curious

-I'm going back home to arrest Doyle, can you take care of Declan?

-Sure baby, absolutely! - she said excited

-Thanks mom, love you!

-Love you too and be careful you have a kid to come back to. - she said in a warning tone

-Yes mom, I will.

I hung up with my mom and I had a weird feeling in the back of my head, but I just pushed that away.

-Babe, our flight leaves in 2 hours, at 6pm. We will get to Quantico between 2 and 3am. - said Derek that had just booked the tickets

-It's okay, let's go pick Declan up then pack our stuff and leave him at my mom's house before we head to the airport.

-Okay babe sounds like a plan!

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