Chapter 52

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-Well, well, well, you're awake and ready to play -Said the Unsub

All of the sudden the chains started to elevate me and JJ until we were hanging from our hands and we couldn't touch the ground, my wrist were hurting really bad and I knew JJ was in pain too.

-Well, isn't this fun bitches?! - Said the Unsub

-What do you want from us?! - yelled JJ

-Don't you remember what you did to me, let me refresh your small little memory. All of the cases that I have recreated are special for one reason only, because you 3 were instructed to kill the Unsub and those unsubs were my friends, mentors, I looked up to them, so I'm having my revenge right now. said the unsub walking around the room back and forth

-As you said we were instructed to kill it wasn't our choice... - I said calmly trying to get him settled a little bit

-You did have a choice and it was telling your boss that you were not going to kill those people, but you got your hands dirty and your boss is clean. - he said laughing

He kept on saying that we had to be miserable because of what we did and that we had a choice we didn't take, so that's why we're here in this position. He was having a psychosis because most of the unsubs he recreated were dead before he was born so he couldn't had actually known them.

-Hey Spencer come here!! - he said extending his arm towards Reid

-I can't my door is locked- said Spencer

-Right, let me help you with that... - he said finding the keys in his pocket for the cell door

He knew that Spencer wouldn't do anything to him or try to escape because he wouldn't let anything happen to us. He opened Spencer's cell and he grabbed his arm really tight bringing him close to where we were, by this point our doors were wide open but we were chained to the ceiling.

-Spencer, my friend, you are going to help me start with the torture of this two bitches.

-No, please, let me take their place!!


He passed a whip to Spencer and pushed him in front of me and told him:

-I'll give you a head start with this bitch, so you can enjoy longer... - the unsub said with a smirk on his face.

I was scared and Spencer knew that because you could see tears forming under his eyes, he didn't want to do it but he had to.

-Spence don't worry, go ahead - I said trying to reassure him

-Em I can't !! - he desperately said

-I'll be fine, don't worry about me. - I said calmly

-START!! - yelled the Unsub

He looked at me one more time before closing his eyes and whipped me the first time. I bit my lip when the whip touched my skin, I didn't want to scream because that's what the Unsub wanted.

-GO AGAIN!! - the unsub yelled enjoying seeing us in pain

He whipped me again and again, he tried not to hit me in the stomach because of my pregnancy, so he hit me on my arms and legs mostly. After the fourth whip the Unsub told him:

-Spencer we can switch now. - he said with a satisfying smile on his face

-I'm fine here. - he said trying to sound confident

-But you'll be better there! - said the unsub pushing him towards JJ

Then the Unsub screamed at him again to start and both of them started hitting us, after the fifth whip JJ was out because of the pain, Spencer was feeling miserable because of what he did to his wife and I was on my eighth whip when I was out too.

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