Chapter 27

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I heard my phone ringing in my room, I ran upstairs because I was in the basement, and I saw the picture of my grandma on the screen.

-Hey Grandma! - I said hoping for news on my mom

-Hey buddy. - said Derek

-DEREK YOU'RE OKAY !! - I said very excited

-Yes buddy I'm fine.

-And mom? - I asked concerned

-She is fine as well, she just got out of surgery, but she is doing okay.

-Derek I was so worried about you guys and when I saw the news I was really scared, but I'm just happy you're okay.

-Thanks bud we are fine and we will see each other soon, okay?

-Okay Derek, say hi to mom and tell her to call me when she wakes up. - I said happy that she was okay

-Okay buddy take care, we love you. - he said

- Love you too. - I said and hung up


I hung up with Declan and a tear was falling from my eye, I miss that kid so much and I miss Emily too and I don't want anything to happen to her.

-Mr. Morgan? - said the doctor knocking on the door which made me look up

-Yes Doctor? - I said

-I need to tell you something about Emily and you are her emergency contact so I'll tell you. - he said very serious

-What is it? - I asked concerned

-She needs you to be there for her because when she wakes up she will see the skin grafts. She will freak out and then she will be self absorb in that situation so you need to be patient with her. She just woke up and she needs your support and understanding.

-Thank you Doctor I'll be there for her and help her get through this as good as I can, does she have a TV in her room?

-No, so she can't see what happened, you can tell her yourself.

-Thank you, can you take me to her room?

-Yes let me take you there. - he said pushing a wheelchair towards me so we could go see Emily

I got on the wheelchair and we went to the ICU with special scrubs so nothing gets contaminated.

-Emily? Can you hear me? - I ask her softly

She fluttered her eyes open.

-Hey... - she said with a groggy voice

-Em you're fine, you're okay - I said trying to sound reassuring

-It hurts... - she said with a painful face

-It will hurt for a while, but you will be fine, I promise - I said holding her hand

-What happened? - she asked confused

-We were on a plane crash, and we survived. - I said camly

-I can't remember much. - she said still confused

-I know honey, you will remember eventually. - I said trying to calm her

-What happened to my legs? - she asked a little panicked

-You got skin burns because of a fire that the plane caused. - I said trying to make her look at me and not her legs

-Oh! I remember that, I'm barely alive. - she said all bubbly

-You are Em. You will be fine.

-I know Derek I feel fine, I'm graceful for this third chance in life. - she says a little fuzzy

-Doctor will my legs be funcional? - she says looking at the doctor

-Yes Emily you will need various surgeries, but we have the best plastic surgeon working on you.

-Thank you so much!

-We need to get going Derek. - Said the doctor.

-Okay doctor, Bye Em I love you.

-Love you too. - she said all happy

The doctor and I headed out of her room.

-Doctor what's going on with Emily? She seems spacey, like very out of it, like she is not herself - I said worried

-She was sedated, so she might be having some confusion right now and a high from the sedation, that's probably why she was all bubbly - said the doctor

-Oh so she wasn't herself right there? That's what I thought. - I said reassured

-Yeah it will be much harder when the sedation drops.

-Okay thank you Doctor.

That's when we heard

Code blue, code blue, get a crash car...

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