Chapter 90

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It was Saturday morning and I was woken up by Derek and Declan bringing me breakfast to bed.

- Aww thank you my boys, you didn't have to.

- We wanted to mommy, you deserve it.

- We love you Princess!

- I love you both too!

I kissed Derek and hugged Declan. We sat down on our King size bed and ate breakfast like a family watching cartoons. Then Derek got a text from Savannah saying:

- Hey hottie, how's your morning?

He turned to me and passed me his phone

- Em, what's wrong with this girl?

I read the text and I was furious:

- What does she think she is doing?

- I was talking to her yesterday and I told her that I was going to get married and then we told her about the babies, does she not get the message? I'm taken by the most beautiful woman in the world.

I smiled at him. I love this man so much.

- What are you going to answer?

- I'm going to tell her that I'm married and that I have a beautiful family and that she needs to stop with those texts that are unprofessional.

- Yeah I think that's perfect.

So he typed it in, sent it, and then showed it to me.

- No worries, I trust you Derek.

- And I want to keep it that way, she is just so annoying. I don't think she is going to last those 6 months...

- Me either, but let's see what happens.

- Yeah but I hope she leaves me alone.

- If this goes on I'm going to have to come up with something.

- Yeah we would need to talk to Aaron about this.

- Yes I agree hun.

Then Declan turned around, zooming out of the cartoons.

- Mommy, what are we doing today?

- What do you want to do? You get to choose today.

- I want to go to the zoo. Can we go?

I looked at Derek and he nodded, then said

- Sure we can go bud, go get ready while mommy and I get ready too

- Okay daddy

Declan ran out of the room and headed to his bathroom to take a shower while Derek and I took a shower together. Then we got dressed and headed downstairs where Declan was waiting for us in the playroom.

- Are we ready to go now? - Declan asked

- Yes baby let's go

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