Chapter 32

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I guess that having 2 surgeries in a 12 hour window isn't a good idea, I could hear the Doctors scared of me dying, I could hear the machines beeping but I don't know why, I feel fine and I don't feel any pain. I love this place where I am now, I'm in a state of serenity.

-Emily wake up!! - I heard someone yell

-No Tsia, why would I? - I said turning around

-Because you need to fight, for Declan and Derek, you can't just die after you survived that accident !! - she says to me very angry

-But I don't feel any pain right now! - I tell her

-I know but you need to wake up or you'll die and never see them again... - she said hugging me

-I need to wake up... - I said to myself

-Yes Emily, try harder! - she said yelling

-Wake up Emily, fight !! - I yelled to myself

-Bye Emily... - she says leaving me

-You're not coming? - I asked

-Can't, but I'll see you someday - she said smiling

-Okay bye Tsia! - I said waving at her

-Bye Em and take care... - she said as her image disappeared and I woke up in the hospital room once again...


Emily has been out for 2 days now, her second surgery wasn't as good as we thought, her body shut down in the middle of the surgery. She almost died. I'm watching her while her mom and Declan are out doing something, Elizabeth wanted Declan to distract himself from the fact that his mom might not wake up. I saw Emily's eyes moving, like flickering and then she started to wake up, I ran outside and called a nurse.

-NURSE, NURSE, EMILY IS WAKING UP!! - I yelled down the hall

-I'll call the doctors!! - she said getting up and running to find the doctor

The doctors came running in and check on her limb response and if she had any paralysis. But in the check up she was fine, the doctor started to ask her questions.

-What's your name?

-Emily Prentiss

-Who's your mother?

-Elizabeth Prentiss

-Do you have a boyfriend?


-What's his name?

-Derek Morgan

-Where do you work?

-At interpol currently

-Where did you work?

-The Behavior Analysis Unit

-How many people are on the team?

- 8 counting me

-Do you have kids?

-Yes, I have a 6 year old kid

-What's his name?

-Declan Prentiss

The doctor told me that she looked fine that they where going to do a CT to confirm that she didn't have any brain damage, but with what she said in the questions she looked fine.

-Em, baby how are you feeling?

-I'm fine...


-Yes Derek.

-Do you need anything?

-Can you pass me that cup of water, please?

-Sure, here you are!

She drank the water and then she said that she saw Tsia, her dead friend, in a dream. I told her that it was normal to see the people that died talking to us

-Are you sure?

-Yes I have heard many cases of that.

-Okay I guess...Where's the team?

- They had to go back to Quantico, they had a case.

-Oh! Okay...

-Yeah, I'm going to call them and see if they pick up.

-No don't call them we are hours apart, you'll wake them up!

-Oh, right I didn't remember that !



-Yes baby !!

-I'm so happy !!

-I love you so much !

-Me too mommy !

We hugged for a long time

-Hey mom - I said now looking at my mom

-Hey baby girl, how are you feeling?

-Fine, I guess ...

-I was so worried about you, the doctors said you might not wake up ...

She had tears on her eyes

-I love you mom.

-I love you too baby girl.

The doctors came in the room and said I didn't have any brain damage, that they checked my bandages this morning and that I was ready to go.

-I'm going to bring a wheelchair...

-No Derek I'm fine, no need of pushing me around.

- Emily stop being so stubborn and let me get it.

- Okay, thanks Derek

My mom started packing my stuff and Declan was just so happy.

-Ready mommy?

-Yes baby, let's wait for daddy to bring the wheelchair.

-Okay mommy!

Minutes later Derek arrived with the wheelchair, I wanted to say no to the wheelchair but I just had surgery on my legs.

-Ready honey?

-Ready! Thank you doctors for everything you did for me!

- Our pleasure, we will see you in 2 weeks, and please no sun exposure to those legs okay?

-Okay doctor, Bye

-Bye Emily

We got in the SUV and drove to a nearby house that my mom owns in London; it was a pretty house.

-So, you guys have been staying here?

-Yes mommy.

-Have you been good to grandma?

-Yes mommy.

-Yes honey he has been really good and helpful.

-That's really good Declan, I'm proud of you!!

He smiled at me and gave me a hug. When we arrived to the condo, we went inside and I walked towards my old room, it was a nice, comfortable house and it didn't have stairs which is good for me.

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