Chapter 9

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I could hear the Doctor talking to the team, they seem worried. I started to wake up and the lights were blinding me:

- Emily...Emily is Doctor Shepherd. How are you doing? - he asks me shinning a light to my eyes to see their response

- My head hurts - I said rubbing my forehead

- Do you remember anything different than before? - he asks me

- Just the same as before I was sedated - I said

- Your brain looks fine, and I think that your memory loss is temporary and you will need to spend time with the ones you remember the most so they can tell you how you were before and that will help you remember faster. Also, someone has to stay with you at all times to help you with cleaning your wound and to help you with your memory. Who will you choose?

Then all the team came in and I just could remember JJ perfectly but I had some flashbacks of Aaron, Spencer, and David.

-I choose JJ - I said with confidence

I noticed that the tall guy was crying but I just couldn't figure out why

-Doctor, can I go home today? - I asked eager to get out of there

-Yes, Emily, you may. - he said giving me my discharge papers

-Thank you, Doctor Shepherd. - I said grabbing them

-You are very welcome, I'll leave you with your friends now - He said and left

The team was all in my room so I said:

-Can I speak to JJ in private please? - I asked

-Sure Emily - said the team as they left my room and JJ was the only one left

-Hi Em, what's up? How are you feeling? - she asks worried

-Well, I feel much better, I just want to remember everything again... - I said anxious about the future

-Don't worry Em I will help you with that, just try not to think so hard about that. - she said trying to cheer me up

-Who was the guy that was crying? - I asked concerned

-His name is Derek, he loves you so much and he was ready to tell you when you woke up but then we figured out that you had lost your memory. - she said kind of sad

-I really can't remember much of him, I remember clearly that I got shot and he save me but I can't remember more about him. - I said trying to think

-Yes that's right, at least you remember what happened that is a good sign - she said

-Yeah I guess... JJ can I please use your phone to make a phone call? - I asked

-Sure - she said and passed me her phone, I dialed the number and she said:

-You see Em you are not even trying and you are already remembering stuff - she said excited

-Yeah!! - I said with a smile.

Then Easter answered the phone:

-Hey, Em I was worried about you... You didn't call again - he said in a rush

-I know, I'm sorry Easter but I got shot, I was in a coma for a week or so, then I woke up with temporary memory loss; however, I just remembered you and our situation.

-Wow sweetheart, you've been through a lot lately - he said

-Yeah I guess so... - I said drifting into my thoughts

- Well I have something really important to tell you - he said eager

-What is it? - I asked worried


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