Chapter 37

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We got upstairs  (it has stairs too just in case) and we saw our room. We had a floor just for us which was great and the room was really spacious and comfortable; also it has a wonderful balcony.

 We had a floor just for us which was great and the room was really spacious and comfortable; also it has a wonderful balcony

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I was just in love with the house, I couldn't be happier about where I'm living at, and the best thing is that JJ's and Spencer's house is in the same neighborhood, we are only a couple of blocks away

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I was just in love with the house, I couldn't be happier about where I'm living at, and the best thing is that JJ's and Spencer's house is in the same neighborhood, we are only a couple of blocks away. Spencer has been my best friend since college so we are really close. Sometimes Derek gets jealous that I spend too much time with Spence and I leave him alone, that happened when we didn't have Declan, now I'm a mom and I can't just leave my house. JJ has been my friend since I started in the BAU, she was the first friendly face that welcomed me and we became really close since then, she is like a sister to me.

-Mom I love this house, and my room!! - He said excited and happy

-I love the house Em, you picked the best house to make a home, a family. - said Derek hugging me

-Yeah babe I love this house, it's wonderful, better than what I was expecting. - I said looking around

-Yes babe and we have a lot of room to make a bigger family! - he said smiling

-I guess we could ask Declan what he thinks and we start trying! - I said excited

-I guess it's a plan... - he said

-Remember we have the whole floor for us. - I said winking at him

He giggled, I was ready to build a family, to put my feet on the ground and settle down.

-But I can't get pregnant now hun! - I said almost too quick

-Why? - he asks confused

-Because if they give me Aaron's job I need to lead this team and show that I can do this. - I said

-Sure Em is your decision to make and we can wait, we have Declan so we are not alone, and we are young we don't need to rush things. - he said very understanding

-Thanks Derek for understanding.

The night came and we had a huge day tomorrow, Declan starts school and we get to know who is getting the job.


-Guys wake up!!

I was screaming from the first  floor because I was making breakfast...

-Coming mom!!

-Coming Babe!!

I finished breakfast and put the plates on the small dinner table and I called them again.

-Guys breakfast is ready!!


They said in unison

They came running down the stairs and stayed at the table, we ate our breakfast like a family. When we were done, we all headed to the bathroom to brush our teeth and went out the door.

We went to the new school and took Declan to the principal's office so he could show him around:

-How are you feeling honey? - I ask a little concerned

-I'm fine mommy, I'll be fine. - he said

-Okay that's my boy. - I said giving him a smile

-You'll do great bud. - said Derek

-Okay so Mr. and Mrs. Prentiss your son will be fine, I'll take care of him and you can get to work. - said the Principal

-Okay thank you so much! - I said shaking his hand

-Bye honey. - I said waving at Declan

-Bye mommy!! - he said waving at me

-We love you! -said blowing him a kiss

-I love you too! - I said

-Call us if something comes up. - said Derek

-Okay daddy, and you call me if you get a case. - he said looking at both of us

-Okay honey bye. - we said

-Bye mom and dad. - he said leaving with the Principal

We left the school and headed to the BAU. Derek and I opened the glass doors and there was nobody in the bullpen, so we headed to the conference room and then...

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