Chapter 10

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- It's...

- What happen Clyde? - I asked more worried

- It's Declan - he said slowly

- Did something happen to him? - I asked very concerned

- No! Not at all, it's just that I want to transfer him somewhere else so Doyle doesn't find him. - he said making me feel a little better

- Sure, that's fine, but inform me about it okay? - I said

- Yes Em and take care of yourself, we don't need anyone else dead - he said a little worried about my safety

- Yeah... thanks Clyde - I said trying to sound confident

- Anytime - he said and hung up

I end the call and pass the phone to JJ:

- Is everything okay? - she asks

- Yeah, everything is fine, thanks JJ - I said giving her back her phone

- Oh! Okay... Are you ready? - she asks me getting up from the chair and grabbing my bag

- Yes, thank you Jage for everything you've done - I said grateful

- Don't worry Em, you are like my sister. - she said hugging me

When we got to the waiting room the team was there and they helped me get to the car in the wheelchair. The bubbly blonde girl told me that she is going to help me with my memory and that she will visit me every day. However, I just feel frustrated that I can't remember them because they seem like really nice people. Once in the car, JJ took me home, we watched a movie, and fell asleep on my bed. My brother was in a mission so he wasn't going to be home for months, so JJ has been staying at my place for a few days later, and I started to remember a little more, but not everything, and I was going back to work on Monday. JJ was still staying with me and Derek has been visiting me. One night while he was taking care of me at my apartment things got heated and we both ended up naked on my bed, making love.

Weeks later...

It has been two weeks after what happened and I was going back to work today so I stood up from my bed and I felt a little dizzy; however, I tried not to pay attention to that, the Doctor said it was normal because of my concussion, so I just forgot about it. I went to take a shower and when I was in it, I felt really dizzy and I saw blood running down my legs and I didn't know what was happening, I grabbed my phone from the sink and tried to call JJ but before she could answer I passed out...

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