Chapter 16

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After stopping at my apartment for some clothes and blankets we got to the BAU at 8 pm, Aaron said we could use the sofa from his office to sleep and we brought some blankets and mats to sleep in.

-Mom? - asks Declan

-Yes baby - I said looking at him

- Are we safe here? - he asks worried

-Yes baby, there are a lot of people here to protect us - I said kissing him good night

-Okay mom...


I was already cleared for field work and Derek and I moved back home with Declan for a while, but I was worried Doyle was still after me and Declan. I was at my desk when Clyde called:

-Hey Em, How are you? - he asks

-I'm doing great and you? - I asked back

-Good. Have you been to your apartment lately?

-No I've been staying with Derek, why?

-Because I went yesterday and there was a package for you.

-What was it? - I asked worried

-A bullet cap, I'll guess is the cap from the bullet that hit you, he wants you to know he is close, Em you need to leave the country. - he said sternly

-What? No I can't leave. Where should I go? - I said confused

-Got to Europe, to your mansion, I already arranged everything and police are there to protect you. - he said firmly

- But wouldn't he find me easier in one of my locations? - I asked analyzing the situation

- Not if he doesn't know you left the country, and we will make sure of that. Your mom's jet is waiting for you in the private airport and it will take you there tonight with no one knowing. - said Clyde with everything figured out

-Okay then I'll talk to Derek and we will leave tonight. - I said still processing

-Be safe Prentiss - he said concerned 

- You too Clyde, and thank you for arranging everything.

- You're welcome - he said and hung up

I stood up and went to talk to Derek while he was getting coffee

-Hey honey...

-Hey Em

-Derek I need to tell you something.

-What is it princess? - he said as he looks up from a file he was reading

-Well Doyle is close from finding me again because he left the cap from the bullet that hit me, on my apartment door. I need to leave the country with Declan ASAP. Clyde has everything set up for me already, the jet is waiting for me tonight at the private airport.

-Wow, wow, wow slow down princess! If you're in danger then we leave tonight then, let's talk to Hotch. - he said getting up from his chair, I grabbed his arm and asked:

- However, my question to you is, would you go with us? - I asked looking straight at him

-Yes of course, I'm not leaving your side until we catch this guy. 

-Thanks honey. I love you.

-Love you too

We went to Aaron's office to talk to him

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-Come in! - he yelled from inside

-Hey Hotch - I said as I walked in

-Hey Prentiss, Morgan - he said as he made a sign for us to take a sit.

-We need to talk to you about Doyle - I said

-Tell me... - he said looking at me

-We need to leave the country until we find Doyle, it's for my safety.

-Emily go ahead we will take care of the situation and we will keep in touch to talk to you and check on you.

-Okay thanks Aaron for understanding.

-No worries Emily, we will figure this out.

-Thank you!

-Be safe.

-You too.

Derek and I left the office and told Declan that we were going on a trip to Europe for our safety. At 9pm our flight left heading to Paris, France.

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