Chapter 25

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I was really scared and when I heard the pilot scream Mayday I panicked but I tried not to show it because Derek was having a worse time than me.

-EMILY WE ARE GOING TO DIE!! - he yelled

-NO WE ARE NOT, BREATH HONEY!! - I said trying to calm him down

-EMILY WE ARE DYING!! - he kept saying which made me feel panicked and agree on his statement



And then half of the plane just flew by and the rest of the plane lost control and everything went black.


The plane cut itself in half and everyone flew out of it. The plane pieces felt in the woods close to a city in Europe. Emily and Derek were unconscious separated from each other. A lot of people were dead, some others where mutilated and some others were being incinerated because some pieces of the plane got caught up in flames. It was a chaotic scene but help was on their way, hopefully getting there in time to save the passengers that are still alive.


I could hear screams and crying , everything hurts. Where am I? Where's Derek?? I started to wake up and the pain became worst. When I woke up fully I could see fire and dead people I think, I was disorientated and I was hurting everywhere, I couldn't even focus because of the pain... I tried to stand up and it hurts, but I remembered Derek and I needed to find him. There was a lot of smoke, I was choking in it, and I could see a big fire close by, but I started to call Derek.

-DEREK!! - I tried to say


-DEREK! WHERE ARE YOU? - I yelled louder

-DEREK... - I almost said like a whisper before dropping to the ground passed out


I was like at sleep, but I heard a lot of screaming and crying and I could smell smoke. I started to wake up and I heard someone calling my name. Then I remembered Emily was with me.

-EMILY I CAN HEAR YOU!! - I yelled

-EMILY!! - I yelled in desperation

I started to run towards the voice, but then it stopped, I looked and the flames were getting closer to me when I saw Em laying on the ground not moving at all. She was getting caught up in the flames. I ran to her but I was slowed by the pain in my body and the dizziness.

-Emily I'm here! - I said as I approached her body

I carried her and try to go somewhere safe, I stepped on some dead people, but at that moment I didn't really care I only cared about Emily, she had burns on her body and she was unconscious, so it might be pretty bad. Then I heard someone saying that they were firefighters and rescue teams to help, I needed to walk to them even if it hurt at the moment I needed to safe Em and myself. I finally found the rescue team and they put me and Emily in a helicopter back to London and after, we could get transfered to Paris.

-What's your name Sir? - the paramedics asked

-My name is Derek Morgan. - I said still in confusion

-And her name?? - he asked

-Her name is Emily Prentiss. - I said

-Where did you come from?

-We were flying from Quantico, Virginia. - I said rubbing my Temple and asked -Is Emily going to be okay?

-We will do everything we can, right now she is stable, but the doctor will check her up more throughly when we get to the hospital. Is there anyone we can call?

- Yes please call the BAU in Quantico.

-You are a FBI agent?

-Yes and she is too.

There was a moment of silence and then I said:

-Please call the US Embassy in Paris and ask for Elizabeth Prentiss.

-Is she the embassadors daughter? - the paramedics asked in disbelieve

-Yes she is...

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