Chapter 82

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We got inside Derek's truck and headed to the BAU. When we got there he helped me get down the truck and walk to the conference room. I was in pain, but I had to be there for my team. We went inside the conference room and they all had a surprise expression on their faces.

- Emily we didn't expect you to be here at this time, you should be resting - Said Rossi

- I need to be here guys, you know I would die at home alone doing nothing

- I told her she should be resting at home, but stubborn boss here decided to come and you know what they say don't fight with your wife she will always win.

You could hear laughs filling the conference room:

- You're right man. I had 3 wives so I know what your dealing with right now - stated Rossi

- Guys I'm still standing right here listening.

Another pack of laughs filled the room

- Lets get to work!

- Okay so crime fighters you are heading to Seattle. Please open your files, so you can see the very disturbing pictures of our unsub's crimes - said Penelope without looking at the screen.

-Wow this looks like a butcher

-Yes it does Emily, like the Boston butcher - said Rossi

-Do you think it's the same guy? Asked JJ

- I don't think so, I think it's a copycat - Said Derek

- Well everyone let's get to work

I said while getting up and heading to my office quickly.

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