Chapter 4

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I told my brother that I was going to buy fake blood and cover Declan and his nanny with it. Then I was going to get my gun and take pictures of me pointing the gun at their "dead" bodies, after taking the pictures I will send them to interpol and they won't look for Declan...And that's what I did, but after taking the pictures I relocated Declan and his nanny to San Francisco and I changed Declan's last name to Prentiss so nobody would find him. Once I was sure nobody would find Declan, I helped Interpol catch Doyle and now he is behind bars in Kwalliso.

One Month Later...

Harley was out of town and I just had got back from a long case in Ohio and the first thing that I saw was a box beside my door. I got the box and went inside the house where I got scared by my black cat, Sergio. Inside the box there was an orchid, a flower I haven't smelled or touched since I picked it up at Ian's house when I lived with him, also the day I left to Boston Ian gave me the last flower we would ever share again, until now. I was really scared because he knows where my brother and I live, so I put traps everywhere, vases, little bells, everything that could make a sound all around windows and access doors to the apartment. That night I didn't sleep at all, I sat in front of my door with a gun in my hand all night, I wasn't sure if he escape or if he was just taunting me but I needed to protect myself. 

The next morning...

I got a phone call, a really strange call:

- Hello? - I asked and no answer

- Who is it? - I asked again and no answer

I was about to hang up when I heard:

  - Zugzawn...

And then the line went dead...

That code was from the first case I got hurt, let me tell you the story:

That day was like any other day. I woke up early, I fed my cat, and got ready for work, Harley was coming back from a case that night, but I knew I would probably be out of town when he got home. I drove to the BAU, parked my car, and got in the glass door to find the team, greeted them good morning and then Hotch called us to the conference room because we had an important case.

LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department) was needing our help to solve a dangerous case. The M.O of the unsub was throwing a modified bacterial strain of Anthrax in public places where he could kill a greater amount of people and the CDC didn't have a cure for this strain. The timeline was every two weeks, and he has struck twice already. The symptoms that the victims  suffered were a bloody cough, fever, really red wheals like burn marks and they were really itchy and bloody. After a while in the hospital, the symptoms would get worse because the strain was affecting their frontal lobe which affect the person's thinking, speech, and motor control; also their lungs get affected and stop responding causing heart failure. When Hotch finished briefing the case we all took a ciprofloxacin, which protects against Antrax; however we didn't know if it would be effective against this strand.

- May we all live a long life - said Rossi as we all took the pills

- Wheels up in 30... - said Hotch

We all headed out to grab our go-bags and go to LA

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