Chapter 46

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The next day...

I woke up with Derek by my side, I was so happy that he wanted kids and to make a family with me.

-Hey beautiful !! - said as soon as he saw I was awake 

-Hey handsome !! - I said smiling 

-How is the mother of three feeling? - he said putting his hand on my belly 

-I'm fine, just the morning sickness. - As soon as I said that I ran to the bathroom to puke, Derek ran right behind me to hold my hair. 

-Thanks hun! - I said getting up from the floor of the bathroom 

-No need to thank me, I'll be always your support through this pregnancy, after all you are the one carrying our precious kids. - he said hugging me 

-What did I do to deserve a man like you? I love you!! - I said in awe 

-I love you more!! - he said still holding me 

He let go of me and I decided to brush my teeth and go back to bed

-Are you okay now Em? - he asked 

-Yeah like I said normal morning sickness. - I said trying to get used to it 

-So how are we going to tell the team? - asked Derek excited 

-I was thinking that we should call them into the conference room and tell them the news together - I said 

-Yeah I was thinking of that too - he said 

-Okay then it's a plan... - I said ready to tell them 

-Yeah... Em? - he asked after making a pause 

-Humm? - I said turning to look at him

-You need to be really careful now in the field, don't risk your life for a killer, you are carrying 2 more lives besides yours and I don't want to lose you or any of them. - he said very serious 

-Honey don't worry, I have the team that has my back and I'll be much more careful because I'll be a mother of 3 soon and I need to get home after every case with no injuries. - I said 

-Okay babe... - he said more relaxed 

We got out of bed, went to take a shower and looked at my small belly in the mirror:

-Mommy loves you little kittens and daddy love you too, we are so happy to meet you!!

I was just rubbing my belly when Derek came in and kissed it :

-We love you both peanuts.

And then he kissed me. I took a shower, then Derek took a shower, while he was taking a shower I got dressed, then I went downstairs to Declan's room to wake him up, and then I started making breakfast.

-Declan... Derek come downstairs to eat !! - I yelled from the kitchen 

-Okay mom!! - said Declan from down the hall 
-Okay honey!! - said Derek from upstairs 

We ate breakfast  like a family, then we took Declan to school and we went to work ready to tell the team.

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