Chapter 29

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I was so excited to go home soon, sleep on my bed, be with Declan but the doctors said that is better for me to stay and let my burns heal so they won't get infected or need anymore sutures.

-Hey mother!! - I said when my mom entered the room

-Hey honey! How are you daughter? - she asked

-I'm much better mother, why aren't you working? - I asked shocked

-I need to be with you.

-But what about those people that need you? - I asked surprise that she left her work unattended 

-They'll be fine with my temporary replacement.


-I brought you a surprise! - she says excited

-What is it? - I asked confused

-Hey sister!!!

-OMG!! Harley what are you doing here?

-Well I heard my sister was in trouble and needed my company so here I am.

-OMG come here let me hug you, it's been so long...

We hug and he kissed my forehead like we use to do when we were kids

-And look who else came along? - said my mom pointing at the door



He hugged me so tight it even hurt but I didn't care because I was just so happy to see my little boy.

-How are you mom?

-I'm doing much better honey. How is school?

-It's been going really well mommy I'm nominated for best student of the class!!

-I'm so proud of you baby!

-Just as intelligent as your mother.

-Thanks uncle Harls.

We chatted for a while about everything the crash, life, work, school... It was fun to have them there with me, it was like coming up to fresh air.


I was a bit mad at Emily because she didn't invite me over to her room, I heard Declan and her brother surprise her in her room and she was just so excited she totally forgot about me, even Declan, it's like I didn't exist. I heard that Emily's mom was taking Declan and Harley to see London because Declan hasn't been here before, so I took my chance and when they left I went to Emily's room.


I was laying in my bed when a heard a knock on my door.

-Come in. - I said

-Hey Emily. - he said very dry

-Hey Derek, what happen? - I asked concerned

-Why didn't you invite me over to be with your family, I was 2 rooms away and I'm your boyfriend, you are not the only one sick here. - he said all snotty

-Well I'm sorry I took the worst of it and it's my family, so they came to see me and I haven't seen my brother in so long I needed time to be with him and my family. - I said right back with the same attitude

-So I'm not your family? - he asks hurt

-You are, that's not what I meant...

-What Emily? say it, you don't consider me so important. - he said mad

-You are very important to me, the reason I'm all burned up is because I was looking for you and I blacked out, so don't come here and tell me I don't care about you because I do. - I said mad

He looked back at me and left the room because he knew the next thing he was going to say would have started a huge argument, so he walked away; I was curious but I didn't want to continue the fight.

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