Chapter 11

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I was laying on my bed, it was 5:30 am when I got a call from Emily, I answered the phone and no one was talking, I could only hear the water running and I got scared, so I got up and told Spencer I was going to be right back and I started driving to Emily's. When I got to her apartment I had a spare key and opened the door, I started calling her name but no one answered so I ran upstairs to find an unconscious Emily covered in blood laying on her bathtub's floor


I started to panic so I called 911 and Derek so he could help me. He got there in like a minute, even before the EMS.


-Hey JJ what's going on? - asked Derek

-It's Emily, we have a problem - I said stressed out

-What happened? - he asks running into the apartment

-She is unconscious in her bathtub - I said

-WHAT??!!!? - he yelled

He immediately went upstairs and looked at Emily's body in terror, he quickly lifted her up, dressed her in a pijama dress and left her on top of the bed before the paramedics arrived. Once they got there I showed them where she was and they started examining her:

-What's her name? - said one of the paramedics

-Her name is Emily Prentiss and she just got shot two weeks ago.

-How long has she been out?

-Like 6 to 7 minutes. - I said

-Okay, thank you, now who is coming with us? - one of the paramedics asked

-Derek, you go with them, I'll call the team and meet you there. - I said to Derek

-Okay thanks Jage, I'll call you is something happens. - Derek said and left with them

-Okay bye.


My heart sunk when I saw Emily so pale and covered in blood, it was an awful picture. I was really worried about her, I can't lose her she means the world to me, I would be devastated if something happened to her. The paramedics said that the blood was coming from her vagina and they think that she had a miscarriage, and I was just thinking that maybe that baby was mine and I lost him or her before I even knew they existed, I felt sad but I was really worried for Emily and just Emily.

We arrived at the hospital and the doctors came running to her, JJ even called Dr. Shepherd to help.

-Hey, Derek, we will take good care of her but she needs to be taken to CT and put in observation for now, okay?

-Yes do whatever you need to help her - I told him

-Did you know she might of being pregnant? - he asks me

-I didn't know and honestly, I think she didn't know either. - I said trying to wrap my brain around everything

-Okay thank you

-You're welcome Doctor Shepherd

I sat in the waiting room, I felt like I was in a movie, I couldn't believe that Emily could have been pregnant and that she had a possible miscarriage, I just can't deal with it my heart aches. Then the team got here and they were really worried. I told them about the possible pregnancy and the miscarriage, I told them everything between tears, I couldn't help it...

-Emily Prentiss' family - said the doctor in charge of her

-HERE!! - the team said in unison

-Emily is doing better, she did have a miscarriage of a less than 1-month-old fetus, the test we ran went fine, we didn't need to operate on her because it was a clean miscarriage, but she has to stay at the hospital for a few hours. Everything is fine, she had a concussion when she fell in the bathtub but we stitched her up and she is fine, she might had miscarried because of the post-traumatic stress from the shooting.

-Can we see her? - I asked

-Yeah, but she is sedated for a now. - said the doctor

-Okay - I said a little relieved

We went into Emily's room and she looked like a mess, she is really pale and connected to a lot of tubes, she look's like a train wreck. Almost an hour later she started to wake up and she looked at us and said...

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