Chapter 83

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I said while getting up and heading to my office quickly. I noticed when I was in the conference room that one of my stitches broke and that I was bleeding, so I rushed to my office and Derek followed behind. I was going to close the door when Derek stopped me:

- What's going Emily?

- Nothing babe.

- So why did you rush out of there?

- Because I need to take care of some stuff before you guys leave.

- Okay then...

He left and I closed the door.

- I need to go to the hospital

I thought to myself. I put some bandages on it and changed my shirt because it had blood on it and then I went to the jet to say goodbye to the team.

- Guys I'll be staying here in Quantico. Please follow Rossi's instructions and call me if you need anything.

- Okay Emily take care.

- You too guys!

I step down the jet and Derek came and hugged

- Get better princess and don't rush yourself.

- Okay hun I love you and come back to me.

- I will I promise. Love you too!

And we kissed. He went on the jet and I started to walk away to the office and when I was opening the glass doors I found Penelope waiting for me.

- Hey Em, ready to start

- Penn I need to go to the hospital, but you stay here and if the team asks for me you tell them I'm in the bathroom or busy. Don't tell them I'm in the hospital I need them all focused on this case.

- Okay boss girl

- Thank you Penn

I started to walk away when she said:

- Em you want me to drive you to the hospital

- No I'm fine Penn, take care of the team for me.

- Okay take care.

- I will. I'll call you when I'm coming back.

- Okay Em

I got in the SUV and drove to the hospital. On the way there I called Meredith and told her what happened, she told me she was waiting for in the ER. I got there and parked my car and starting walking to the ER when I blacked out.


I saw Emily walking towards the ER and then she just fell, I ran to her and called the nurses so the could help me with a stretcher for Emily.

- Emily, wake up, come on!

She had a slow pulse because of the blood loss she has experience. We put her on a stretcher and took her in the ER:

- Mer who is that? - Derek Shepherd asked

- It's Emily, she suffered a blood loss. I don't even know how she made it here.

- Oh god let's move.

I was rushing inside, while Derek called Arizona Robbins so she could check on the babies. I got into a room and  plugged into the heart beat machine and got her a blood transfusion and some IV fluids. I saw Emily's eye flutter open:

- Emily you are in the hospital, you are fine.

- Did you called Derek or any of my team members?

- No why?

- Don't call them, I'll be fine on my own I need them focused on the case not me.

- Okay I won't call them, but Emily you need to take care of yourself.

- I know Mer but my team needs me too and I can't stay at home, that would kill me.

- I know Em, you're right just take it easy.

- I will Mer, no worries.

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