Chapter 35

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It has been a week and my family and I had packed everything we needed and shipped it to Quantico to a new house we bought. We are leaving today and Declan is really excited to get there and meet Jack and Henry.

-Mom are we leaving already? - he asked anxious to leave

-Yes baby. - I said grabbing my go bag

-Derek are you ready? - I asked

-Yes babe. - he said grabbing his stuff

-Let's go boys!! - I said excited to go back

We got on the SUV and headed to the airport. We did our check-in's for first class and headed to the VIP room.

Flight to Quantico, Virginia is boarding...

All of us walked on the plane and headed home...

8 hours later...

We got to Quantico, it felt so good to be back and not have the worry of Doyle looking for me and Declan.

Ring Ring...


-Hey Em, it's me JJ. - she said excited

-Hey JJ, how are you? - I said very happy

-I'm good but how are you? How was the flight? - she asked a little concerned

-Well it was fine, it's harder at take off because I was really stressed out, but then I started to breath and that calmed me down, plus with Derek we help each other get through it.

-Well that's great that you guys are helping each other.

-Yeah he has been so nice to me. And how are you and Spencer?

-We are doing great, can you believe we have been married for 9 years?

-OMG! Already 9 years!! Time flies.

-When are you getting married?

-He hasn't even proposed Jage!!

-I know, but you guys are just so cute together.

-Thanks, but I'm taking this relationship step by step.

- I know Em, and that's how it should be.

- Yeah...Declan is so excited to meet Henry.

-Yeah Henry is too. When are we doing a play date for them?

-Well maybe next Saturday because we will be jet lag and we need to take him to school tomorrow, so he can start on Tuesday.

-Yeah, it's fine Em, I'll called Aaron and tell him.

-How is he doing after what happen with Hailey.

-He's fine, it's going to be 2 years now that she died.

-It's been so long already.

-Yeah and I heard that he is stepping up.

-What?? To what job?

-Well Erin is retiring and he is being considered for the job.

-That's great for him, but who is being consider for his job?

-You!! - said JJ all excited

-Whaaaat?? No way!!! - I said in disbelief

-Yeah they are considering you for the job. - said JJ again

-I don't think so... - I said still in shock

-Well that's what I've heard. - said JJ

-Well thanks JJ, I already got home and I need to rest, bye. - I said still excited

- Bye Em... - said JJ

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