Chapter 73

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Emily's POV

Derek and I got in the car and left to the Bureau. When we got there Penelope was waiting for me to brief the case, but instead Aaron came in and told me to sit down.

-All of you are wondering, why isn't Prentiss briefing this case? It's because it's an undercover job and I need your help Prentiss.

-Why me?

-You have a great background in undercover missions and you won't be alone, you will be going with someone else.

-Who am I going with?

-You are going with Reid.

I looked at Reid, I know he is going to object because of what happened when we got kidnapped:

-Hotch, why me?

-Because you have the information, you are the genius, and we need someone who knows about their beliefs and that can get easily attached to them - Hotch said trying to convince Reid

-I can't Hotch - said Spencer, totally refusing to the idea.

-Reid it's an order, not a choice - said Hotch firmly 

We all stayed quiet and then Penelope stood up and briefed the case:

-The case is in La Plata County, Colorado, you two are going to go undercover to a compound of a cult to investigate a case of drug dealing, you'll be accompanied by a drug trafficking investigator.

-When do we leave? - I asked

-Em, you are not going! - said Derek sternly.

-Derek it's the job, I don't have a choice either. 

-We are talking undercover here, everything could go wrong in any second. - said Derek worried

-Derek everything will be okay. - I said trying to convince him or me.

-Emily, am I the only one worried about you and our babies?! You are being selfish right now, what if something happens to the babies? - Derek asked almost yelling at me very concerned. 

-Derek I'll be fine, I know how to take care of myself and the babies, I'm a trained agent and I can do this, even if I wanted to step down and don't take the case the order comes from the top, Hotch didn't decide this, he tried to get me out of it but he couldn't, and if I don't take the job they will fire me, I'm against the wall Derek! there's nothing I can do, I don't want to lose my job!

The room went quiet and then Derek stormed out:

-When do we start? - asked Reid

-Tonight we fly out to Colorado with you guys and in the morning you are leaving to La Plata County.

-Okay... - I said not wanting to argue anymore.

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