Chapter 96

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My chains started to move up until I was hanging from the roof. My wrist were bleeding and it hurt like hell but I couldn't show it, I just compartmentalize the situation.

- Emily, you okay?

- I'm fine David

Then I heard Savannah come in the room and freed JJ from her chains.

- Let's start this game - said Savannah sounding excited

- What do you want from us?- Asked JJ

- Oh Blondie you'll be the first one to play and if you don't do what I say your kid will be shocked, FYI at one point he'll be dead, so don't mess with me.

We all had some necklaces that would shock us if we didn't do what she wanted.

- Blondie you'll start with this knife. I want you to cut that bitch right there!

She pushed JJ closer to me, and she also ripped my shirt and pants off of me, so I only have my bra and underwear on.

- JJ is fine, you can do it...

- Shut up bitch! - screamed Savannah

- Em I can't do this to you - said JJ crying

- Yes you can, think about Henry!

- She's right Blondie, if you don't do what I say, your little boy will be shocked! - Savannah said smiling 

- JJ is fine go ahead...

She walks closer and cuts my leg, I bit my lip and closed my eyes.

- Go again Blondie!! - yelled Savannah 

- I don't want to do this anymore!

Then she screamed because Savannah had just shock her

- JJ go!

So she cut me again on my back twice. I was bitting my lip so hard it was bleeding but I didn't want to give Savannah the satisfaction of me screaming.

- Yes!!! - Screamed Savannah, she knew she was breaking us, one by one.

- Blondie go back to your spot and tie yourself back. Remember I can shock you, so don't mess with me.

This was Savannah's big mistake. She doesn't know we are the BAU and that we will get out of here...  

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