Chapter 45

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After going to a coffee shop close by, I went and dropped JJ off at her house and then I when to buy everything I needed to tell Derek about the twins. Once I bought everything I needed I went back home to find it empty, great I thought to myself. I knew Derek and Declan weren't there because they went to the supermarket; mean while I'm going to give them the news, so I started to arrange everything. What I did was that I filled the house with little footsteps on the floor from the door to the backyard and on the backyard's table I put two pregnancy sticks in a box with balloons on it that said "Derek open it after you open the present" and two present bags. I waited in the backyard hiding a bit and I heard the door open. Derek and Declan were talking when they looked at the footprints:

-What is this daddy? - asked Declan confused 

-I have no idea but let's follow them! - said Derek 

I heard them come closer and closer until they got to the backyard and saw the table, they opened the present and Declan read his shirt

-Big brother of two! - he said kind of confused and trying to wrap his head around what he just had read 

And as soon as he heard Declan, Derek opened his present 

-Father of three! - he said excited 

And then he opened the box and called my name

-EMILY !! EMILY WHERE ARE YOU? - he kept yelling, I could hear the eagerness in his voice 

I came out of the bushes and he picked me up and spun me around, he was so happy.

-You are actually pregnant? - he asked in disbelief 

-Yes!! - I said with a huge smile on my face 

-Why does it say father of three? - he asks puzzled 

-Because I'm pregnant with twins!! - I said 

-WHAT? I CAN'T BELIEVE IT, I'M SO HAPPY EM!!! - he said hugging me and kissing me 

Then Derek and I turned to look at Declan, who was still a little confused

-Mommy what do you mean? - he asks in a serious matter 

-You are going to be a big brother!! - I said kneeling down to his level 

-Yay!!! I'm so happy mommy, but where are they? - he said thrilled 

-They are in your mom's belly buddy. - said Derek 

-Did you eat them?!?! - he asked in panic and his expression was priceless

-No honey, they are growing inside of me. - I said trying to explain better 

-Oh...Okay! - He was still really confused

-Are you excited?! - I asked 

-Yes mommy!! - He hugged me really tight.

I was happy that Declan wanted siblings. Then I looked back at Derek that was still looking at me in astonishment

-Who else knows? - he asked me 

-JJ, because she got me the pregnancy tests and took me to the doctor's to confirm. - I said 

-We need to tell the team!! - he said filled with emotion 

-Yeah I'm planning on telling them tomorrow. - I said calmly 

-I loved how you gave me the surprise, this is awesome Em. - he said with a big smile 

-I know you did! - I said 

-Did you came up with this all by yourself? - he asked me 

-Yes sir... - I said 

-How far along are you? - he asked 

-About a month - I said 

-So it was from our little bathtub encounter... - said Derek with a grind on his face 

-Yes it was. - I said smiling, by that point Declan wasn't there so we could talk about it

-When do you have the next appointment? - he asked wanting to know all the details 

-Next month.

-And when do we know if they are identical twins or not? - he asked 

-When they can tell us the gender, I believe - I said 

-Okay I'm so excited!!

-I can see that!!

He hugged me and kissed my flat belly, everything was perfect for us...

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