Chapter 40

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There was an explosion in a café close to the police department, so the team came almost immediately. There was fire, dead people and some were just out. The firefighters came and the FBI team was stressed out about their friend.


We hear a loud bang and then we looked out the window to find a huge fire.


-SHIT... EMILY!! - yelled Aaron

We headed out the door running to the scene. There was fire, dead people and we didn't see Emily anywhere.

-EMILY!! - I yelled

-EMILY!! - Hotch yelled


- I'M OVER HERE!! - We hear her say and Hotch and I followed her voice

And then we saw her laying on the ground and a fire was close to her. I went running to her with Hotch we helped her get up and walk towards and ambulance.

-I need an ambulance!!

-PARAMEDICS!! - yelled Hotch

The paramedics came and took her inside the ambulance and left.



We got on a SUV with the rest of the team and headed to the hospital

At the hospital...

I'm so worried about Em, I should have gone with her and warn her about the risk, I shouldn't have let her go.

-Fuck... - I said under my breath

-What? - asked JJ that was sitting next to me

-I'm so stupid JJ, we already knew she was in risk and we let her go, with no protection. - I said

-Derek none of us could of known about the explosion, it's not his MO, plus as Emily had said before she wasn't the target. Think about it, there was no way the unsub would have known that Emily was going to go there at the same exact time of the explosion, he was just trying to make a statement. - said JJ

- I guess that is very true JJ, thanks for that - I said 

-Pretty boy what's wrong? - I asked

-She's my best friend Derek, and she has been in a hospital this year for at least 4 times now and she has suffered so much. - he said saddened

-I know Spence - said JJ

-You don't JJ, because in most of those hospital days when she was so depressed you weren't there. - he said harshly

JJ was hurt about what he said but it was true, he has been with her since college so he was there for her all the time, we weren't.

-I need to call Declan. - I said about to get up

-Don't call him Derek, don't stress him out, father's advice. - said Hotch

- Okay thanks Aaron.

Family of Emily Prentiss


-She's fine, she was lucky she wasn't that close to the explosion, she just has a concussion and a buzz in her ears that should go away in a couple of days, but she's fine and awake.

-Okay thank you Doctor.

We went inside the room 904 and she was awake and responsive


-Hey guys! - I said getting up to change my clothes

-Emily you scared us to death . - said JJ hugging me softly

-I'm fine guys - I said

-How are you Em? - said Derek while hugging me too and holding my hand.

-I'm fine, I've been in worst - I said laughing and the rest of the team laughed too

-The doctor said that I could go to the hotel tonight. - I said

-That's great news Em - said Hotch


-You can go now Emily - said the doctor

-Thank you Doctor - I said grabbing my discharge papers

I stood up and Derek helped me get into the SUV. We went to the hotel and slept until the next day.

Next day...

We had to work, even if I wanted to stay at the hotel I had to work for the team, so I got up and took a shower, then I woke Derek up and I got dressed while he took a shower. Then we headed down stairs to eat breakfast with the rest of the team; I had a headache thanks to the concussion but some Advil should fix it.

-Hey Em how are you feeling? - asked JJ as soon as she saw me

-I'm fine thanks Jage - I said sitting down to eat

-You shouldn't be working today Prentiss - said Hotch

-Sir with all due respect I need to be working - I said calmly

-Okay then... - he said and we all got up to leave


We headed to the scene of the explosion to find clues about what made him change his MO, then we saw a picture of Emily, hung recently on a wall next to where she was found

-Prentiss! - yelled Hotch

-Yes sir? - I asked from where I was

-Come here and look at what I found. - he said

-What is it? - I asked when I was walking towards him

-A picture of you, he's now targeting you Emily - he said


-A picture of you, he's now targeting you Emily

That sentence replayed in my head and thousand times. He never calls me Emily unless my life is in danger or we are off duty , but in this is case my life is in danger and we don't know what to do. I wanted to convince myself since the beginning of this case that he wasn't targetting me but apparently this unsub had different plans

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