Chapter 69

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The next day we woke up really tired, but happy that the party went great.

-Hey princess

-Hey honey

-How are you feeling?

-I'm a bit tired because of the pregnancy, but I'll be fine.

-I'm a bit tired too, but I had a great time yesterday, JJ did a great job with the party and the surprise of the gender revealing it was awesome. I'm so excited to have my two baby girls.

He put his hand on my belly and rubbed it.

-How are we going to name them? -He asked still looking at my belly

-I have some names in mind, I like Maddison, Chloe, Charlotte, Meredith, Olivia, April, Elizabeth...

He cut me off

-You have a lot of names in mind, and we are only having two girls.

*Laughs *

-I know babe, I just want to be ready, plus who says we can't have more?

-Baby we have a handful already with these 2 coming...Em I wanted to tell you something.

-Tell me D.

-I wanted to propose to you an idea that I have, I know Declan is Declan Prentiss.


-And I don't want kids to say he is not from the family or that he is not the brother of the girls, so what I wanted to tell you was that if you want I can step-down in the last name so that the girls can be Prentiss too.

-I don't mind changing Declan's last name and I bet he doesn't mind either.

-No babe I want to do this, I want the kids to be Prentiss.

-Are you sure? I don't mind at all, I love the idea, but what do your parents think?

-I talked to them yesterday and they were surprised but also thrilled that the kids could have your last name.

-Are you sure?

-Well you know we can talk to them today, remember our families are staying here.

-Okay then we will talk this out at breakfast.

-Okay babe, sounds like a plan.

-I love you

-Love you too princess.

We went downstairs together to find our families talking in the living room

-Hey sleepy heads. - said my mom.

-Hey everyone, how did you guys sleep?

-We slept well thanks for asking- Said Derek's parents

-We slept good too baby -Yeah said my mom.

-Okay mom, good.

We got closer to them and sat on an empty sit that was left.

-We want to discuss something with you guys -Said Derek

-We want to discuss the last name of our kids

-What about it? Aren't they gonna be Morgan? - Asked my mom

-We were thinking that all that kids should be Prentiss - Said Derek's mother

-Do you agree? - I asked my family

-We don't mind Em, it would be an honor but can I ask why? -Said my brother

-Declan is a Prentiss since he was born and I don't want to change that...

-And you all know how cruel kids can be if Declan's siblings are Morgan and he is a Prentiss, they might say something that will offend him or they will bully him so we don't want that for our family - Said Derek while hugging me

-So we wanted to know if all of you agree, do you all agree?

They all looked around and nodded there heads

-Okay then the new additions to this family will be Prentiss Morgan


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