Chapter 13

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I called Easter again to check in with the Doyle situation and with Declan because I need to talk to him and tell him something really important.

-Hey Clyde

-Hey Em, how are you doing?

-I'm doing better

-That's good, why is there so much beeping in the background, where are you? - asked Clyde

-I'm at the hospital - I said

-Wait, weren't you just there? Why? - he asks confused

-Because I had a miscarriage of a baby I didn't know of...

-What? Well I'm really sorry for your loss Em. - he said softly

-Thanks... - I said emotionless

There was a long silence

-Hey Clyde I was calling you because I wanna check up on Declan and talk to him and also, how are you guys doing with the Doyle situation? - I asked serious

-Well Doyle... We are checking every single detail to know where he is but we can't find him, and Declan is right hear let me pass the phone to him

-Thanks. - I said and heard him call Declan to come to the phone

-Hey mom! - he said very excited

-Hey honey, how are you doing? - I asked him, happy to hear his voice

-Well I'm doing great, how are you? - he asks

-Well I'm fine baby, are you behaving with uncle Clyde? - I said in a motherly tone

-Yes mom.

- Okay baby, and school?

- I'm doing really good mommy.

Declan laugh on the other side of the line, he is such a sweet little boy.

-Honey would you like to live with me? - I asked

-Of course mom, I'd love to!! - he said excited

-Okay honey, I'll talk to uncle Clyde and we will arrange everything - I said happy

-Okay mom, I love you.

-I love you too, and pass the phone to your uncle

I send him a kiss and we said our goodbyes

-Hey why is Declan so happy? - asked Clyde confused

-I told him that I wanted him to live with me - I said

-But that's dangerous Em, we haven't caught Doyle yet. - he said concern

-I know but I feel like he needs to be with me and I need him, I will live in the office for now, I need to tell the team about this, in this state I'm in right now I can't go and hunt him down like I wanted to so at least they can help. - I said honestly

-Okay well now at least I'm not going to be the only one who is worried and taking care of you. - he said relieved

-Yeah and thanks, I had forgotten to tell you how thankful I am with you, thank you for everything - I said

-No worries Em you are like a sister to me, I will always take care of you. - he said softly

- I know, thanks Clyde.

-Well Em you know where we are, you can come and pick Declan up when ever you want.

-Okay I'll go today, if it's okay with you.

-Okay Em , see you then!

-See you then! - I hung up the phone excited to see my baby boy

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