Chapter 14

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I hung up the phone with Clyde and just laid in the hospital bed for a while, then I decided that it was time to talk to the team and break the Doyle news to them. I called the nurse and told her to call them for me:

- Hey Em, you feeling okay? - asked JJ

- Yeah I'm fine, I just need to break some news to you guys - I said looking at them

- What is it Emily? - said Hotch concerned

- When I worked at Interpol I was sent undercover to Italy with the name Lauren Reynolds, to catch a former IRA captain called Valhalla. His actual name is Ian Doyle and I spent months with him to build profile him. The mission got compromised and my boss at the time, Clyde Easter, helped me get out and Doyle was sent to Kwalliso, where he has escaped from. He was told that Lauren Reynolds died in a car accident and he believed that until he found me as Emily Prentiss here in DC. My Interpol team and I have been trying to track him down and I was going to personally go after him and end this but in the conditions I'm in I can't do that. He is killing families and that is why I hadn't told you guys about this because he would go after you guys, and I don't want anything to happen to you guys even now that I've told you because it is my fight not yours. Nevertheless, I need your help to track him down because I can't do it on my own, if you guys want to help me, I understand if you don't want to get in this mess... - I said and took a breath

They were all processing what I just said and trying to think on what to do now:

- Emily we will protect you and help you find him, whatever you need we will help you - said Hotch

- Totally Em, anything you need we are here for you - said JJ

- They mess with one of us they mess with all of us - said Rossi

- Thank you guys for supporting me and helping me with this - I said

They all nodded their heads and then Derek said he wanted to speak to me in private:

-Hey Em, why didn't you tell me this sooner? - he asked disappointed

-Because I was scared, I didn't want you guys to be in danger just because of something I did in the past. This is not your fight, it's mine. - I said sincerely

-We will protect you, you are not a lonely soldier anymore, you have us. - he said kissing my forehead

-Hun I also have something else to tell you - I said looking at him

-What is it Em? - he asked concerned

-I have a kid - I blurt out

-What?! - he said shocked

-It's not my biological kid, I have never been pregnant, it's Declan, Doyle's kid - I said trying to explain

-And you adopted him? - he asks

-Yes, I'm his mom and he knows me as his mom, but he knows that Doyle is his dad.

-Well I assume by knowing you that he is a great kid and he deserves a mom like you. - he said smiling at me

-Thanks but I want him to live with me, I was going to pick him up today from where he is being kept for his safety. - I said worried of what might Derek say

-Because of Doyle? - he asks concerned

-Yes, him and I are in danger;  that's one of there reasons why I'm telling you this, but the first reason is that I want to build a home with you and live together with Declan if you feel up to the task. - I said waiting for an answer

-Of course Em, he is your son and he needs to live with you. I want to grow old with you and have kids together and of course I would like to raise Declan. Would you officially be my girlfriend? - he said laughing

-Yes Derek I'd love to. - I said smiling, and as soon as I said that he leaned in and gave me a passionate kiss, full of love.

-Soooo... - Said Doctor Shepherd knocking on the door

-Oh... hey Derek - I said blushing

-Emily you can go home now if you want and if you feel better, but I guess you are feeling better!! - he said sarcastically and laughing

-Yes Shepherd I'm feeling much better! - I said laughing too

-Okay, well here are your discharged papers, and hope you get better, we should do something sometime and catch up!

- Yes we should, thanks Derek.

And he left the room...

-Well Derek, I told Declan that I would go pick him up today, but I would like to introduce you as a friend and then I'll talk to him and tell him you are my boyfriend, it's just that I don't want him to burst okay?

-Okay Em he is your kid and you know him, so I'll follow your lead - he said

-Okay Derek. I love you!!

-I love you too!!

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