Chapter 17

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We got on the jet and Declan sat by the window, I when straight to a couch and Derek on another big couch. It was an 8 hour flight so we slept the entire flight.


I heard the pilot said and I woke up, and since it's just the 3 of us in the jet I walked towards Derek and Declan to wake them.

-Hey boys it's time to wake up... - I said tapping them and shaking them softly

-Hey honey - said Derek

-Hey mom - Said Declan

-We are finally here, are you excited Declan?

-Yes Mom!!!

He had a smile from ear to ear. The day before like at 4pm, I met with the team to give them the news at the conference room.

-Hey everyone... - I said with a long pause and a serious face

-What happened Em? You're scaring us. - said Penelope worried

-I'm going to be precise, I'm leaving to Paris tonight with Declan and Derek. - I said

-What?!?!? - they all said shocked

Their faces were filled with confusion and sadness

-Why?? - asked JJ

-Because Doyle found me, he left at my apartment the cap of the bullet that hit me that night of the shooting. - I said and continued - He knows where I live. Clyde helped me get a jet that will take us and arranged everything in Paris for my arrival.

- Where are you staying? - asked Reid

-At my old mansion at downtown Paris. - I said

Penelope and JJ were crying, David was about to, but he didn't. Hotch had teary eyes but remain with straight face and I was crying and Derek was just sad.

-Well Em good luck and we will keep in touch and we will find that son of a bitch so you can come back. - Said David

We had a group hug, it was really special. I'm going to miss them so much, but I need to do this for my safety and my family's safety.

-See you guys soon, I hope I can come back soon or visit you guys, you are also invited to Paris if you want to come. - I said trying to cheer them up

-Thanks Em and good luck. - said Hotch

-Love you guys - I said

-We love you too and stay safe. - said JJ

-We will... - I said with sadness in my voice

We all hugged again and Derek and I left the office to go get ready for our flight...

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