Chapter 67

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The rest of the trip went great, the kids had a lot of fun and well we had a lot of fun too, everyone was really excited with the news of the engagement, I was still shocked, but I love Derek and I hope we can make a wonderful family.

-Okay is everyone ready to go back to reality? - Asked Aaron

-I'm not ready to leave paradise!!

- I agree with boss lady - Said Penn

- Let's go everyone, make sure you don't leave anything behind -Said JJ

-Declan do you have everything?

-Yes mommy!

-Okay come on in.

We had the same way itinerary back, Derek first drove and then Aaron.

2 months later...

-Are you ready for tomorrow babe?

-I'm so ready hun.

-Finally the date is here!!

-We have waited so long!

We got out of bed and got ready for the gender-reveal party that JJ have been planning since she went to the doctor's with us and Dr. Robbins told her the gender of the babies, so we don't know anything.


-Hey JJ

-Hey Em, that car is waiting for you guys to get your ass out of the house so I can arrange everything.

-Ok Jage, thank you so much!

-Don't thank me, you're like my sister, I wanted to do this.

We said our good byes and the driver greeted us to take us to a park close by. We got there and feed the ducks with Declan then he played in the playground we took some photos and the driver came back and told us that everything was ready. We got to the house and the first thing we saw on our front door was:

Inside the house there were banners everywhere saying "Girls, boys or mixed, what would it be?" Then there was a onzie-making station, where the people could go and make a cute onzies for the babies

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Inside the house there were banners everywhere saying "Girls, boys or mixed, what would it be?" Then there was a onzie-making station, where the people could go and make a cute onzies for the babies. There was also a station so you could get a pink bow if you think they were going to be both girls, a blue bow if you thought both of them would be boys and a yellow bow if you thought that the babies were going to be a boy and a girl.

 There was also a station so you could get a pink bow if you think they were going to be both girls, a blue bow if you thought both of them would be boys and a yellow bow if you thought that the babies were going to be a boy and a girl

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You could also see that JJ made a big effort on the decorations, the place was beautiful and cute just how I wanted it.

You could also see that JJ made a big effort on the decorations, the place was beautiful and cute just how I wanted it

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We had snacks and drinks, and a cake that would be the color of the gender of the babies inside.

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The party looked great, I absolutely love it, JJ did an awesome job and I'm so thankful for this party

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The party looked great, I absolutely love it, JJ did an awesome job and I'm so thankful for this party.

-JJ this is amazing, I love it, thank you so much for this party!!

-You are very welcome and I'm glad you like it Em.

-I didn't like it, I love it.

-Go get ready, the guest are going to be here any minute.

I went upstairs and looked out the balcony to see the backyard and I saw a 2 boxes that said  A & B. I got dressed and the door started ringing, so I went downstairs to find the team that just had arrive and my brother came along with my mom, Derek's parents were also here for the party.

-Hey guys - I said to the team, while we hugged.

-Hey mom, I'm glad you made it.

-I wouldn't miss it for anything baby, I'm excited to know what my new grandkids are going to be. - said my mom very excited.

-Harls!! I'm so glad to see you!!

I ran and hugged him tight while he carried me, by the way I wasn't showing to much so I wasn't heavy.

-Emi I've missed you so much!!

-I have missed you too Bro, let me introduce you to the team.

-Hey guys this is my brother Harley!

-Oh yeah we've met, but not in the best situation - said Aaron.

They said their names and shook hands with him.

Derek and I introduced our families and they got along almost immediately which was great. Declan was having fun with his cousins, everyone was doing something and everyone was happy. Me and Derek went to the onzie-making station, and made two cute onzies  for our babies.

The time that we were waiting for finally got here, it was time to open the hanging-from-a-tree-boxes that have balloons that will fall on top of us revealing each babies gender. So we all gathered around the tree and Derek and I stood under the boxes, grabbed the string that opened them and we are having... 

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