Chapter 54

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When I got to Emily she was almost unconscious so started telling her that she needed to stay awake but she couldn't, she just blacked out.


-THERE'S AN AMBULANCE ALREADY HERE!! - David screamed from downstairs

He came upstairs, while I was trying to cover Emily's body, so that people wouldn't see her like that, then I carried her downstairs. She was all bloody and hurt, her body felt lifeless. The paramedics were there in the living room waiting for me to put Emily on a stretcher and take her to the hospital. I saw that JJ was hurt too, but not as bad as Emily, and Reid just had some bruises nothing else.

-Are you coming Sir? - asked one of the paramedics

-Yes let's go! - I said in a rush

I jumped in the ambulance and headed to the hospital

-How is she? Is she going to be okay? - I asked the paramedics with panic in my voice 

-She has a nice and strong heart beat, we just need her to wake up. - the paramedic said calmly 

-She's pregnant, can you see how the babies are doing? - I asked a little bit more relieved that Emily is doing fine

-Babies? - the paramedic asks confused

-Yeah she's having twins - I said smiling

-Oh! Congratulations, let me check...

The paramedic got the machine to do an ultrasound and I could hear their two heart beats.

-Well they seem fine, but I'll tell the nurses to get an obstetrician to check her out. - he said

-Thank you so much. - I said

We got to the hospital and the doctors staring running some tests, the residents helped clean the wounds and stitched her up and about two hours later she was waking up:

-Babe, baby, it's me Derek! - I said holding her hand

She looked around confused and then said like a whisper:

-Hey babe...

I felt relieved, she knew who I was, the doctors said she was going to be fine and the twins are okay, thank God!!

-How are you feeling? - I asked

-I feel a little pain but I feel fine. How are the babies holding on? - she asked putting her hand on her belly with a worried face

-They are perfectly fine! -I said smiling and holding her hand tighter

-Thank God - she said letting out a breath - how are JJ and Reid doing?

-Well JJ is fine she just got some stitches and Reid only had some bruises but nothing major. - I said

-Okay well that's great. - she said relieved that they were okay

-Yeah you got the worst of it. - I said rubbing her hair

-I guess, but I feel better now that you found me... - she said with a faint smile on her face

I leaned down and kissed her, I missed this, her lips, her face, herself in all matters; I love her so much.

-I thought we weren't going to find you, I was scared and I couldn't sleep thinking of you. - I said as I pulled away

-I was so happy when I heard Hotch scream FBI. - she said happy

-I bet you were - I said

-I was saved by the Bell...and you of course. - she said smiling

-I love you so much Em, I was worried sick about you! - I said still shocked and glad that we found her

-Shhh don't worry I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere. - she said as she hugged me

I really needed it and she needed it, we complement each other.

-Did you catch the Unsub? - she asked worried

-We killed him, he tried stabbing Hotch, but before he could I shot him. - I said

-That's a relief...

-Yeah, he is never going to hurt you again.

-How is Declan?

-I told him as soon as you went missing, since we said that we would tell him everything I thought it was the right call

-Yeah, thanks honey. It's better to tell him that to lie to him. How did he react?

-He was really worried about you and the babies, everyday that passed he was more and more worried, but I texted him today I told him we found you.

-Thank you for taking care of him. - she said glad that everything was better now

-He's our kid and that's what a good parent does. - I said smiling at her

-Let me call him. - she said

-Sure here you are. - I said passing her my phone

-Thanks... - she said as she dialed his number


I dialed Declan's number and he answered almost immediately:

-Hello? - he said almost out of breath

-Hey baby, how are you? - I said softly

-MOM! You're okay!! - he yelled

-Yes baby I'm fine! - I said smiling

-I was so scared for you mommy and the babies. - he said with worry in his voice

-I know you were that's what your dad told me. - I said

-Dad told me everything that happen, thank you. - he said

-No worries honey. - I said

-When will you be home? - he asked anxious to see us

-Maybe tomorrow, but I'll call you later that the doctor is here in my room. - I said

-Okay mommy, love you! - he said happy

-Love you too baby! - I said sending him kisses

I hung up the phone and the doctor said that I could leave the hospital tomorrow morning because they want to keep me and the babies in observation for one more night.

-Okay thank you Doctor. - I said

-No worries Miss Prentiss. - the doctor said

He left the room and I told Derek to tell the team to come in if they wanted to visit

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