Chapter 61

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After the president left Aaron let everyone know that they could leave, that we were done with this case. I went to the conference room and reunited with the team to thank them and to tell them that Aaron gave us 2 days off.

-Everyone I know you guys are tired I just wanted to thank you for your dedication and help in this case. I wanted to thank Penelope for her help and mindset in this situation.

-Thank you Emily for trusting us in our jobs and being a great boss - said Penn

-Thank you guys. I have great news, Aaron gave us 2 days off so you don't need to come to the Bureau till Monday!

-Great we have Thursday, Friday and the weekend - said JJ

-Yes we have a long weekend ahead of us!

-We should go on a small trip or something - said Dave

-I like the idea but where to? - Asked Spencer

-Let's go the Meadow that is like an hour away - Said Derek

-I like that place it's really nice, we could go in my RV and in Aaron's RV - said Dave

-Let me go tell Aaron our plans and if he wants to go.

They all nodded their heads and I headed to Aaron's office.

-Hey Hotch, we were planning on going to the Meadow for this long weekend, do you want to go with us, like old times?

- I guess I could go, let me ask the supervisor of the FBI if I can go and I'll let you know, we could use my RV to go.

-Yeah that would be great, ask and let me know.

-Okay Em.

I went back to the conference room and told the team what Aaron told me:

-Let's hope he can make it. - said JJ

-Yeah it would be so nice to go as a family on a trip - said Penn

- Well let's go and start preparing for take off, bring everything you need, if you want you can take your tents for camping - Said David

Then Aaron came in an said:

-Let's go people!!

*woo hoo*

-Great you can join us Hotch!

-Yes my boss said I could have the days off so here I am.

-Great let's get ready and we meet up tomorrow morning in my house at 7 am.

-Okay Em it's a date - said everyone

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