Chapter 33

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One month later...

It has been a month since the surgery, Derek and I are flying back to Paris, France today and I'm really nervous but I try not to show it, I don't want Derek to comfort me, I need to do this myself. I had my final surgery last week and I'm much better, the scaring of the tissue has been going really well and the doctors told me I could go back to work now so I'm moving back to France to pack our stuff so we can head back to Quantico and work at the BAU. I miss my team and since Doyle is in jail there is not problem on me going back to the Bureau.

-Honey are you ready to go? - said Derek putting his hand on my shoulder

-Yes D, I'm ready! - I said excited to go back to Paris

-Are you nervous? - he asked looking straight at me

-Not really, are you? - I ask trying to sound confident in my answer, I was a little nervous but I didn't want to show it

-A bit! - he said smiling to me

-DECLAN LET'S GO! - I yelled from the door

-Okay mom, coming...Mom I'm ready! - he said fixing his coat under his backpack

-Okay honey let's go. - I said to all of them

We got on a cab and headed to the airport, then we got our boarding passes and headed inside the airplane. Declan sat by the window, I sat in the middle and Derek by the hallway. I was scared, I actually have a feeling of panic, I want to get down but I need to do this, so we can get home. I started sweating and the pilot said:

We are ready for take off, please fasten your seat belt...

I need to do this, Emily you are fine. Then I closed my eyes until Derek told me:

-I'm scared!! - he whispered

-Me too!! - I admitted

-I can't believe a plane did this to us! - he said laughing

-Yeah me either, but we have to get over this because when we are at the Bureau we need to go to places in the jet, so we need to get over this. - I said

-Yes you're right Em! - he said holding my hand

-I know, I'm always right!! - I said giving him a kiss on the cheek

He started laughing and I did too...

The plane started to take off and I couldn't breath, I thought I was going to have a panic attack, but when we started flying I felt better and I could relax a bit, Derek was relaxing a bit too; when we landed and it felt so good. We headed home and Declan was really happy, Derek and I decided to tell him about moving back to Quantico tonight, so we could think it through. I know he will like Quantico, and he will have Jack, Henry, and brand new friends to play with. I'm really hoping he's happy there.

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