Chapter 5

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When we got to LA Hotch assigned us, in pairs, a place to be, so JJ and Reid went to talk to the families of the victims, Derek and I had to go to the crime scene and Hotch and Rossi when to the police station to get set up. Once we landed, Derek and I got in an SUV to the crime scene, and we saw that it was a park, a kid's park, and it was chaotic; because when we got there they were guys in protection suits that were canvasing the area, taking some bodies to the morgue, and dispersing the crowds that wanted to know what happened at the park as well as news crews. We couldn't really see anything because we weren't allowed to be there until the men in suits said it was safe.

-Prentiss, are you okay? - asked Morgan

- Yeah I'm fine, why? - I said looking at him

- No reason. - he said shaking his head

We started looking around the crime scene and recreating the moment it all happened so we could build a profile. The men in the suits found a plastic bag on top of a mountain with high concentrations of the strain. Derek and I thought that was the place where the unsub was standing and let the strain dissipate, we walked around some more and got a feel of the area until we were called to go to the police station to make a geographical profile. Once we got there, the team was all reunited at the small conference room the police station had supplied for us:

-How was the crime scene? - asked JJ

-There was a lot going on but as far as we could tell there was nothing memorable or important about the park, it must be just meaningful to the unsub. - I said.

-Well we didn't have much luck at the hospital talking to the families because every 55 minutes and 34 seconds on average a victim would die, so we couldn't get anything from the families either because they were destroyed or were anxious about their family members so we didn't get much info, plus most of our victims were experiencing speech impediment before they died -said Spencer.

-Well let's all head up to the hotel, rest, and come back tomorrow with fresh eyes to work. -said Hotch.

We went in the two SUV's, I was with Derek, JJ, Spence, and in the other one was Hotch, and Rossi. When we got to the hotel I was rooming with JJ, while Derek was rooming with Spence or "the pretty boy" for Derek and then the last room was Hotch and Rossi. I waited for JJ to fall asleep so I could make an important phone call that would change my life...

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