Chapter 53

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When I woke up I was still hanging from the ceiling, I had blood on my body from my open wounds, I turned my head and saw that JJ was awake

-Em, you are okay!! -Said Spencer relieved

-I'm hurting, but I'm fine. - I said with a smile trying to make him feel better

-You have been out for a day or so - said JJ

-JJ are you okay? - I asked concerned

-I'm fine, you got the worst of it Em. - she said worried

-Don't worry, at least you know...I'm fine. - I said and used my eyes to look down at my stomach

I don't need the Unsub to know that I'm pregnant, and try anything on me that could harm the babies. The metal door open and I felt a shiver down my spine:

-Sleeping Beauty is awake, it's time to play again - he said laughing

-Please leave them alone!!  - yelled Spencer

-I DON'T WANT TO YOU SON OF A BITCH, SO SHUT UP AND DO WHAT I SAY OR I KILL YOU!! - said the unsub pointing a gun at Spencer, he was left defenseless. Poor Spencer was frighten, he was shaking.


It has been 3 days since Reid, JJ and Prentiss are missing, and I'm worried sick about Emily and the babies, I couldn't think of something else, that's why we brought Penelope here to Cleveland to help with the case, I saw her running to me, screaming:

-I know who has them!!! - she said filled with relief  

-What? How? - I asked in shock

- I searched in the cases that this guy recreated and all of the unsubs were killed by JJ, Reid or Prentiss, and those unsubs were idolized and friends of this guy, his name in the street is the toy maker!!

-Do you know where he is keeping them? - I asked 

-Yes I'll send you the address. - she said excited


We ran out the door and got in the SUV, I just hoped Emily was okay and we get there in time because this guy is only looking for revenge and we also have studied his crimes and they are gruesome.


I was really tired and all bloody when the Unsub untied me and took me away from my cell

-We are going to have fun! - he said smirking

I knew what he wanted to do with me and I didn't want to, he is a dirty and filthy man.

-No, take me instead -said JJ

-JJ it's okay... - I said

I didn't want JJ to have to go through this and knowing that Spencer is here and he can't do anything about it would sink their relationship

-No, please take me instead - pleaded JJ once again

-I'M NOT ASKING REMEMBER, I WANT HER!! - he said grabbing me tighter

He dragged me out of the room and took me upstairs, I started to fight and tried to get out of his grip.

-BITCH STOP FIGHTING OR I'LL KILL YOU!! - he said pointing a gun at me

-Okay, okay I won't fight... - I said giving up

-That's what I thought. - he said

We got to the second floor, we walked into a room, he closed the door and then he started to take what I had left of my clothes off and he turned himself on while I felt nauseous. Then he tied me to the bed all naked and started to take his clothes off. He started to touch my body starting from my neck and he went down and down until I screamed and he put a hand on my mouth.


Then when he was about to rape me I heard the door open:

-FBI! - Hotch yelled

I felt relieved, the guy put a shirt on a started to run down, he was stupid enough that he ran right into the team. I heard Hotch say that they found JJ and Reid. Then JJ said:

-Em was taken to another room - she said desperately

I heard footsteps running up the stairs and then I saw Derek by the door, I was almost unconscious, the adrenaline that was pumping before and keeping me awake has officially gone down, but I saw him run to me:

-Em, please stay awake!! Stay with me Em!! - he said calling for the paramedics

I was too tired and in too much pain that I just blacked out...

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